Baerbock’s plagiarism affair: This is how Franziska Giffey reacts – domestic politics

by time news

Franziska Giffey (43, SPD) is too early. The streets of Berlin on the way to the interview with BILD am SONNTAG were less crowded than expected, which is why the politician stands and chats in the entrance hall of the new Axel Springer building half an hour before the agreed date – with the reception staff and the security service , with anyone else who would like to chat.

Six weeks ago Giffey switched roles, gave up the office of Federal Family Minister because of the plagiarism in her doctoral thesis, and now wants to become the governing mayor of Berlin. Elections will take place parallel to the general election on September 26th.

BILD am SONNTAG: Ms. Giffey, six years after arriving in Germany in a homeless shelter in Würzburg, a refugee made an unnoticed decision to carry out an attack. How could that happen?

Franziska Giffey: “The knife attack in Würzburg is a great shock, which again leads to some people losing faith in security and integration in Germany. Sure: we can’t look into people’s heads, but such an act never comes out of the blue. It is always the last part of a chain. The signs of radicalization or serious mental illness were either not seen or ignored. We cannot accept that. We have to become more sensitive and react faster. “

Do criminals have to be deported more consistently, including to Syria or Afghanistan?

Giffey: “I am very clear: Serious criminals and terrorist threats must be deported. When people are fleeing war and destruction, we have to help them. But those who commit serious crimes, who rap or murder people, have forfeited their right to asylum. In such a case, the protection of the population living here is to be valued higher than the protection of a person who tramples on the rights of others. We also have to look at this more closely from the perspective of the victims. “

Many industries complain of a lack of prospects in the face of constantly new corona rules. What should politics change there?

Giffey: “We have to move away from orientation solely on incidences. The cultural scene, the gastronomy, the hotel industry, the event industry – they all want planning security and not just open now for a few weeks, but also in autumn and winter. We cannot approve the Green Week in February or the ITB in March a few days in advance – it has to happen now. And I see no reason why a visit there or at a concert, in the cinema, in the club or in the stadium for vaccinated, convalescent and tested people should not be possible with protective measures. Even if the incidence should be higher than it is today. “

„Wir müssen weg von der Orientierung ausschließlich an den Inzidenzen“Photo: Wolf Lux

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“We have to move away from the orientation exclusively on the incidences”Photo: Wolf Lux

You have given up your position as family minister because you have withdrawn your doctorate. The green candidate for Chancellor Annalena Baerbock is now accused of having written off parts of her new book. How do you rate the process?

Giffey: “I haven’t read the book, so I don’t want to judge it. What becomes clear here, however, is that there is an automatic mechanism in Germany: You only have to find someone who makes a plagiarism charge, and the person is completely questioned and thus damaged. “

Copying without naming the source is plagiarism.

Giffey: “In Germany we have to ask ourselves how we deal with those who agree to give their lives, their strength, their nerves, all of their work for a political office. If someone who is politically active is fair game for any form of attack, defamation and ruthless agitation, that is a danger to democracy. “

„Den meisten Berlinern ist das wumpe“, sagt Giffey über ihre eigene PlagiatsaffärePhoto: Wolf Lux

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“Most Berliners are bogged down,” says Giffey of her own plagiarism affairPhoto: Wolf Lux

In the polls, the SPD is currently in third place. How bad is the loss of your doctorate in the election campaign?

Giffey: “Most Berliners are bogged down. They want someone to rule the city well. Many citizens tell me directly: ‘Don’t worry about your doctoral thesis. The main thing is that you become a good governing mayor. “

What is your advice to Ms. Baerbock from campaigner to campaigner?

Giffey: “I don’t give her advice. Always helped me get out there and talk to real people. So: don’t let yourself be misled, carry on, keep smiling! But I have already noticed one thing: women are treated more severely in politics than men. Obviously, some people still find it an affront when young women run for political positions. The headwind for Ms. Baerbock is much stronger than for Mr. Laschet. (Laughs) In any case, I will not publish a book. “

Baerbock's plagiarism affair: This is how Franziska Giffey reacts
Photo: BILD

On September 26th, the referendum “Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen” will also be voted on in Berlin. As the governing body, would you expropriate large housing corporations if a majority of Berliners were in favor?

Giffey: “First of all, it must be clear to everyone what is being voted on. This expropriation would cost Berlin 30 billion euros because everyone who is expropriated must be compensated. That corresponds to the Berlin state budget for a whole year! I would like to use this money sensibly for housing and infrastructure and not give it to landlords who do not treat their tenants fairly. “

So there are no expropriations with you in the town hall?

Giffey: “My goal is to build 20,000 new apartments in Berlin every year, not to expropriate owners of tens of thousands of old apartments. And basically: In which country do we actually want to live? I grew up in the GDR, where people were expropriated and their property was transferred to state-owned companies. I don’t want to live in a country where someone is dispossessed because they have too many apartments. Rather, we have to ensure that everyone pulls together in order to create enough living space and comply with tenant protection rights. “

And what if the Berliners still vote for expropriation?

Giffey: “You have to deal responsibly with the result. This then includes a comprehensive legal review as to whether the referendum can be implemented at all. It’s about constitutional issues and much more. In any case, I will not go against the law. “


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