Baldur’s Gate 3 Wishlist: Players Want Alfira, Minsc, and Minthara as New Origin Characters

by time news

Baldur’s Gate 3 Players Push for New Origin Characters
By: Scott Baird
Published: 2023-12-25T14:14:25
Updated: 2023-12-25T14:14:35

Baldur’s Gate 3 players are clamoring for specific party members and non-player characters (NPCs) to be added as new Origin characters for future playthroughs of the popular role-playing game. Developer Larian Studios has received feedback from the community expressing a desire to see beloved characters integrated into the game as playable options.

The Origin characters in Baldur’s Gate 3 allow players to assume the role of established party members, complete with new intros and additional quests that delve deeper into their background stories. While many players initially opted for the custom protagonist options at the game’s launch, the Origin characters have become more popular for subsequent playthroughs as they allow players to further explore the game’s rich narrative.

However, not all of the game’s party members are available as Origin characters, leading to requests from players for more options. A recent Reddit thread in the Baldur’s Gate 3 community asked fans to weigh in on which characters they would like to see added as choices for an Origin Tav. The responses included numerous suggestions, with three names quickly gaining popularity: Alfira, Minsc, and Minthara.

Minsc, the Ranger, and his trusty hamster Boo, garnered significant support from the community, with many fans expressing a desire to see him integrated as a playable character. Similarly, Minthara, while originally a playable villain, was also a popular choice due to her connection to the game’s main plot. The most surprising choice, however, was Alfira, a Tiefling Bard who currently isn’t playable in the game. Players pointed to the need for another support class character to provide healing options within the party, without having to resort to respeccing existing characters or playing support themselves.

As Larian Studios continues to support Baldur’s Gate 3, fans are hopeful that the game’s narrative could be expanded through DLC, potentially introducing new Origin characters and offering different outcomes for the existing ones. The response from the community underscores the passion and engagement of Baldur’s Gate 3 fans, as they eagerly anticipate further developments in the game’s rich and immersive universe.

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