BanEcuador and MIES officials are investigated for altering documents to collect the bonus – 2024-04-09 21:54:46

by times news cr

2024-04-09 21:54:46


BanEcuador officials, including the manager, and others from the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (MIES) are investigated for allegedly altering documents to collect the Human Development Bonus.

BanEcuador and MIES officials are being investigated for altering documents to collect the bonus (Reference Photo).

The State Attorney General’s Office reported, this Thursday, April 4, 2024, that they arrested six public servants from these two institutions during an operation carried out in Shushufindi, province of Sucumbíos, on Wednesday night.

Five of the detainees belong to BanEcuador, including the manager, and one is a MIES official. They would all be part of a network that allegedly altered documents to collect this amount, which ranges from $55 to $150 and is intended by the Government for the most vulnerable groups in the country.

The authorities continue to investigate further into this new case of corruption in public institutions.

BanEcuador reported in a statement that, following complaints from beneficiaries of the Human Development Bonus in the Shushufindi canton, it filed a complaint with the State Attorney General’s Office on February 21.

Likewise, he mentioned that the former director of the BanEcuador agency in that canton was separated from the institution in previous months. According to the entity, all the information required by the Prosecutor’s Office will be provided to clarify the case and punish the guilty.

With a statement, the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion said that “it will not tolerate any act of corruption within its institution and will purge any bad element.”/El Telégrafo

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