BB Ultimate: Anger at the sudden hug … Ramya Pandian who bit Bala

by time news

BB Ultimate: The video of Bala’s actress Ramya Pandian being bitten while hugging herself during a task on the Big Boss Ultimate show has gone viral.


Tamil Nadu, First Published Mar 16, 2022, 8:01 PM IST

Fresh Task

The Big Boss Ultimate show has been in full swing for over 40 days. As a rule of thumb, contestants will be given a specific task each week, with some concessions being made to the winners. In that sense this week the Big Boss Ultimate has been given the egg task.

Egg Task

Competitors are playing in three teams namely Blue, Red and Green. There are 3 people on each team. The main feature of this task is to protect the eggs that are given from time to time by the Big Boss team. It is important to prevent other teams from stealing.

Ramya Pandian Bite bala during task in BiggBoss Ultimate

Bala – Ramya clash

In that sense, in this task Ramya Pandian, when Bala steals two eggs belonging to the team, Bala stops him. Then Bala hugs Ramya from behind and tries to pick up the egg. Ramya Pandian bites his hand to escape from him.

Katichu Vachcha Ramya Pandian

An argument ensued between the two. It has been released as a promo by the Big Boss team. Ramya Pandian to say that I was bitten because Bala physically attacked me while I was holding the egg.

Ramya Pandian Bite bala during task in BiggBoss Ultimate

The promo features Ramya Pandian arguing with Bala that he did not say it in a wrong way and that he would say it over and over again. Netizens have been saying that it is necessary to put a short film to see who is at fault in this.

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Last Updated Mar 16, 2022, 8:01 PM IST

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