BBVA, Inditex and Iberdrola, among the most sustainable companies in the world

by time news

2023-12-09 12:25:39

It is one of the sustainability indicators most anticipated by investors who for years have included the ‘green soul’ of listed companies in their purchase and sale decisions. Dow Jones has just published its new sustainability index (the Dow Jones Sustainability Index) in which it recognizes fifteen Spanish companies among the most sustainable in the world, the same number as the previous year.

Among all of them, the good work of BBVA stands out, consolidating itself among the best companies in the indicator and the second in the sector globally (sharing a rating with other entities). If only the European sustainability index is taken into account, BBVA leads the sector ranking, being the most sustainable bank in Europe for the fourth consecutive year. «It is a milestone for us. At BBVA we intend to accompany and help our clients in their transition towards sustainability, as well as promote inclusive growth in the societies where we operate,” explains Javier Rodríguez Soler, director of BBVA’s Sustainability and CIB area.

«On this path towards a green and fair transition we have a fundamental role as intermediaries. We are not the protagonists but our role is decisive in accompanying the entire economy in its decarbonization,” they indicate from the entity, which has been placing sustainability at the center of its business for years, being one of its six strategic priorities. In 2022, the bank raised its goal of mobilizing sustainable business in the period 2018-2025 to €300 billion, tripling its initial goal.

CaixaBank and Bankinter also occupy a prominent position in the index. The first, with a rating of 82 points, is ranked as the thirteenth most sustainable financial entity in the world, which represents an improvement of eleven positions compared to 2022. For its part, this is the sixth consecutive year in which Bankinter remains in the indicator, where other entities such as Banco Santander are also present. “Continuing to be listed in the global Dow Jones Sustainability Index represents reinforcement and recognition of the work of all the bank’s employees,” says Pedro Guerrero, president of Bankinter and the entity’s Sustainability Committee.

Energy is strengthened

The Spanish energy companies also approve this year with flying colors for their drive towards sustainability. Iberdrola has become, in fact, the only European utility that has been present in the selective during its 24 editions. The company is already a world leader in renewable generation, with more than 41,400 renewable megawatts (MW) installed and more than 80% emission-free electrical energy production at the end of the third quarter of 2023.

Endesa and Enagás also remain in this global reference indicator, which also includes other less represented sectors such as construction, where Ferrovial’s score stands out. The company, which this year moved its headquarters to the Netherlands with the aim of facilitating its jump to Wall Street, has been part of the global and European index uninterruptedly for 22 years “thanks to its commitment to human rights, its climate strategy and their good labor practices,” according to the company.

Within the global index, in addition to the listed companies already mentioned, other large values ​​on the Spanish Stock Market also stand out such as Inditex, Amadeus, Merlin, Grifols, Indra, Aena, Acciona or Redeia, which complete the ‘club’ of the 15 largest national companies. sustainable in the world.

Created in 1999, the Dow Jones indices are known worldwide for being references in the recognition of companies from different sectors that stand out for carrying out their activity responsibly and for the application of sustainability policies in their strategies. Approximately 2,500 companies are part of the eligible universe for the world index, of which only 10% have a presence in the Dow Jones World Sustainability Index, after undergoing an exhaustive analysis carried out by the S&P Global firm.

#BBVA #Inditex #Iberdrola #among #sustainable #companies #world

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