BC defines that institutions share data to prevent scams

by time news

2023-06-01 23:30:05

Faced with the growing increase in crimes involving bank data, joint resolution No. 6 of the National Monetary Council (CMN) and the Central Bank (BACEN) determined that financial institutions should share data related to fraud and scams that occurred in National Financial System (SFN) and the Brazilian Payment System (SPB). The purpose of the norm is to collaborate for the reduction of cases of scams, fraud and cyber crimes.

The lawyer specializing in Regulatory Law and Strategic Management at Schuch Advogados, Renata Schuch, assesses the determination as positive, as, according to her, fraud is improving at a speed at which the consumer protection system cannot keep up.

“The resolution arrives, at this moment, to show action in defense, mainly of consumers, with intelligence and data sharing. In my opinion, the best way to combat fraud is with intelligence and technology”, says the specialist.
Now, with the approval of this rule, banks must create an electronic system to record and query data on occurrences and attempts at fraud that have been identified.

“For financial institutions, the standard also brings more security to operations, reducing the risk of fraud and, consequently, possible judicial convictions for repairing damages to their consumers, which are objectively condemned as service providers. or products. Complying with the General Data Protection Law, I understand that the Resolution comes as a way to protect both financial institutions and their final consumers”, emphasizes Schuch.

Technology in your favor

According to the Central Bank, an electronic system for registering, consulting and previously identified fraud attempts should be created. Financial institutions will be responsible for the use of data obtained during the consultation and must preserve bank secrecy. For this process to occur, the consent of the customers will be required.
The norm comes as a tool to combat new scams that arise along with the rise of new technologies. Scams, such as the pix, are carried out by groups of criminals who use technology and psychological manipulation to deceive and collect confidential information.
Renata points out that, today, financial institutions are already able to block suspicious conduct or behavior outside the standards of a given user.

“If this detected conduct is released into an information-sharing system among other financial institutions, immediately any other operation will already be seen with greater care. Everything provided for in art. 2nd, §. 1, item I of the Resolution. The same can happen with the very common and current pix scam and its variations: the possibility of sharing the identification of the recipient account data and its holder between financial institutions makes it possible, for example, to identify a persistent criminal ”, concludes .

Source: It Integrated Communication

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