«BellaMa’», Gianni Morandi surprisingly calls his friend Nicola Di Bari-Corriere TV

by time news

A little while ago Gianni Morandi called the program live “BellaMa” (Monday to Friday from 15.25 to 17 on Rai2) to greet your friend Nicholas DiBari. Morandi, in agreement with the conductor Pierluigi Diaco, wanted to surprise the Apulian singer-songwriter: «Nicola you won everything: you always beat me in Sanremo and at “Canzonissima”, everywhere. You are the man of records, a great artist, but above all you are a friend, I feel great affection towards you. I still remember when you made fun of me on “Canzonissima” saying: “And that I asked you for a piece of bread?”».

Nicola Di Bari declared that they hadn’t heard from each other for twenty years, but the friendship has remained over time and moved, he added: «Gianni has been and always will be a great friend». Morandi greeted Nicola Di Bari saying: «I love you Nicola and I hope to meet you in person as soon as possible». The conductor Pierluigi Diaco then wanted to pay homage to Gianni Morandi by broadcasting the Sanremo performance of “Apri tutti le porte”, ballad and sung in the studio by the entire cast, made up of 25 boomers and 25 generation Z kids.

March 16, 2023 – Updated March 16, 2023, 5:27 pm

© Time.News

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