Bennett and the ministers concluded: The restrictions at Ben Gurion Airport will be extended, restrictions will be discussed

by time news

Tonight (Thursday), Prime Minister Naftali Bennett convened a discussion on the continuation of restrictions at Ben Gurion Airport, following concerns about the spread of the coronavirus omicron strain. The nearest.

The two also agreed that the isolation obligation for returnees to Israel, vaccinated and unvaccinated, will be extended by order of the Director General of the Ministry of Health, subject to the approval of the Knesset Health Committee. Additional restrictions and immunization incentives will be discussed in the coming days.

It seems that Bennett is interested in making them worse and adding new restrictions to the green class outline and his green daughter. The new restriction outline that Bennett is expected to promote will include the abolition of the green class outline and beyond the outline of the percentage of immunizations by grade, in order to encourage parents to vaccinate their children. In addition, Bennett is interested in expanding the green label to malls and increasing enforcement of the green label rules starting Sunday, including the imposition of fines.

Israel closes Ben Gurion Airport for foreign entry following Corona Omicorn variant (Reuters)

Changes in the “Green Class” layout

At the same time, the Prime Minister and the Ministers of Health and Education agreed to continue the green class model, applying a number of changes. According to the summary, the model will not apply to a class in which two verified students were initially verified, this scenario constitutes about 5% of the reported cases. If there is one student verified, the students will perform a PCR test on the third day as well.

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It was further agreed that the model would not apply in a case where a student was suspected in class with a suspicion of infection with the omicron strain. In situations where the green classroom model is not activated, vaccinated students will be able to learn frontally, and non-vaccinated students will learn by distance learning.

Last October, Prime Minister Bennett announced that the layout of the green classroom would be extended to kindergartens and day care centers and to the yellow cities. A separate layout will be formulated for the orange and red cities by the Ministries of Health and Education, which will be presented soon.

Yifat Shasha Bitton (Photo: Avshalom Shashoni)

Earlier this morning, Bennett and Health Minister Horowitz held a situation assessment this morning regarding the corona virus and the omicron strain. During it, the Prime Minister instructed the professionals to examine options for imposing restrictions on the unvaccinated. According to a Walla! Meirav Cohen, Bennett even proposed imposing a closure and flight restrictions on the unvaccinated.

Beyond that, it was decided to increase enforcement in the matter of the green mark through a barcode, with an emphasis on providing reports immediately, without notice, in violation of the rules. The Ministry of Internal Security will lead the preparations against the Israel Police. Meanwhile, following the decisions of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health, the Constitution Committee, headed by MK Gilad Karib, held a discussion during which it approved an extension of the ban on leaving the 50 red states by 13 days until December 22.

According to the current restrictions, there is an obligation of isolation for three days for vaccinated or recovering Israelis who return to Israel. In addition, there is a ban on Israelis flying to 50 countries in Africa and the cessation of entry of tourists from abroad to Israel yesterday caused serious concerns in the aviation and tourism industries and cancellations of flights, as well as congestion at Ben Gurion Airport in the hours before the new directives take effect.

Following the new restrictions, El Al stated: “In view of the extension of the restrictions on the entry of tourists and the continued obligation to isolate Israelis returning from abroad, EL AL would like to clarify that so far these restrictions have caused significant damage to flight cancellations and reduced activity. “The State of Israel will compensate the airlines as announced in the government announcement on the eve of the decision to close the sky and according to the model set with the Ministry of Transportation.”

MK Vladimir Bliac (Yesh Atid) wrote on his Twitter account: “I do not understand the decision to continue with 72 hours of isolation even for the vaccinated. Do not understand why not allow vaccinated tourists who undergo tests – to enter Israel. We with 90 serious patients in the country, it’s time to let the tourism industry breathe and function. “The Corona cabinet and the Constitution Committee will do well to re-examine it.”

Eligal Soreq, CEO of El Al, said: “We do not interfere in the government’s discretion, but the prices we pay are heavy and the state has a duty to compensate us so that we can survive this period. Israel has a clear interest in the national leader standing firm.”


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