Berlin Festival aims to revive the role of the court jester

by time news

BerlinOlaf Schubert has already done it. He has done comedy on renewable energy. Solar energy is already being used, he said – for example in the solarium. “But I ask: What about moon power? This is a resource that is not being used. Because the energy that the sun brings up so that it’s light during the day, the moon has to bring up so that it’s dark at night.” The comedian Rüdiger Hoffmann, on the other hand, claimed in a program that he lived more sustainably than Greta Thunberg. “We don’t throw anything away anymore. We don’t have an organic waste bin any more.” Instead, he always has a stew: recently one made from potato skins, cheese rind, leftover salami, raspberry yoghurt and dry celery.

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