Betty will return to streaming – 24 Hours

by times news cr

2024-05-12 13:52:42

The soap opera considered the most successful history, Ugly Bettyis back with new episodes that follow the plot of the past and arrive in a completely different time than the one experienced when the original was made, since even its transmission will be through streaming.

On this occasion the project is called Ugly Betty, the Story Continues and it is a production of RCN Studies for Prime Video.

The plot will once again revolve around Beatriz Pinzón Solanor, better known as Bettywho 20 years after her first story ended, appears empowered as she works hard to rebuild the bond with her teenage daughter, and at the same time deals with the fact that her relationship with Armando deteriorates rapidly and leads her to question the decisions she made. took two decades ago.

For this long-awaited return, the original cast of the series will also be back, Ana María Orozco, who gives life to Beatriz Pinzón and Jorge Enrique Abellolike Armando Mendoza.

But so will the other actors, among whom the presence of Julián Arango, Natalia Ramírez, Lorna Cepeda, Luces Velásquez, Marcela Posada, Mario Duarte, Julio César Herrera, Ricardo Vélez, Alberto León Jaramillo and Estefanía Gómez stands out. It will also have the incorporation of Rodrigo Candamil, Juanita Molina, Zharick Leon and Sebastian Osorio.

Ugly Betty, the Story Continuesyou will arrive at the system screens streaming starting July 19 and all 335 episodes of the original series are also available right there.

2024-05-12 13:52:42

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