Beware of the tiger mosquito: Zika, Chikungunya, Dengue

by time news

Published on : 01/06/2022 – 09:00

On May 1, 2022, the French health authorities issued an alert, linked to the risk of proliferation of the tiger mosquito, associated with rising temperatures. This silent and diurnal species, very small in size, with a striped thorax, is the vector of viruses such as chikungunya, zika or dengue fever. Viruses that are actively circulating in Africa, Asia, and more recently in the southern part of the American continent.

These three diseases cause high fevers, body aches and distinct symptoms such as bleeding complications for dengue fever or persistent joint pain for chikungunya. Another common point: there is currently no specific antiviral treatment against these diseases. Three recent studies conducted around the world now allow us to better understand the behavior of the tiger mosquito.

  • Pr Arezki Izri, university lecturer, hospital practitioner in Parasitology-Mycology at the Parasitology Department at theAvicenne Hospital in Bobigny, near Paris.
  • Dr. Patrice Poubeau, Head of the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Department at Saint-Denis de La Réunion.

At the end of the show, we take stock of International Clubfoot Day, which takes place on June 3. Clubfoot is a deformity in newborns which, without early treatment, leads to severe disability. We talk about it with Lakna Topkpessa, Director of the National Center for Orthopedic Equipment (CNAO) in Togo.

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