BILD Explains – Putin’s Five Biggest Mistakes – Politik Ausland

by time news

After eleven days of war in Ukraine, one thing is already clear: Putin miscalculated.

Thousands of soldiers are killed or captured by Ukrainians, and a significant part of Ukraine continues to put up fierce resistance. The offensive is moving much more slowly than the Kremlin despot expected.

Photo: BILD

BILD describes Putin’s five biggest mistakes

► 1. Putin thought that “liberated” Ukrainians would greet him “with tears of joy.” In fact, his army faced hatred and fierce resistance.

►2. Putin thought Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (44) would flee to the West. However, Zelensky remained in Kyiv. He continues to lead the heroic resistance of his people against the Russian invaders.

►3. Putin thought that the Ukrainian army would capitulate with lightning speed. In fact, it is fighting so effectively that the Russian military is forced to retreat on many fronts. Putin’s army suffers the biggest losses in the course of hostilities abroad.

►4. Putin believed in the superiority of Russian tanks and aircraft. He turned a blind eye to the fact that for two months now Ukraine has been equipped with modern weapons from NATO member countries. These weapons destroy his tanks, helicopters and planes hourly.

► 5. Putin believed that the West would react hesitantly. Instead, the free world united against his aggression. And imposed against him the most severe sanctions in history. Even the billion-dollar Nord Stream 2 project has become history.

Russia expert Gustav Gressel (43) from the ECFR think tank in Berlin told BILD: “In my mind, Putin is in a bunker.” According to Gressel, meanwhile, the Kremlin prince had completely lost touch with reality.

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