Bill criminalizes denial of the Jewish holocaust – Jornal Contábil

by time news

Bill 145/23 criminalizes denial of the Jewish holocaust, with a prison sentence of two to five years and a fine.

According to the text under analysis in the Chamber of Deputies, the same punishment will be applied to anyone who defends the ideology of white supremacy or other majority groups against blacks, immigrants and other minority groups; or anyone who produces or broadcasts content apology for Nazism.

The author, deputy Sâmia Bomfim (Psol-SP), argues that the legal punishment of hate speeches “cannot be considered protected by freedom of expression because they only aim to attack the dignity and honor of members of minority social groups”.

The project maintains the penalty for Nazi acts (imprisonment of two to five years and a fine) provided for in the Racism Law, but includes the possibility of social reparation through collective moral damage.

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crime qualifiers

The proposal also includes the display of other symbols related to this ideology as crime qualifiers, such as the image of authorities and greetings. Current law associates the dissemination of Nazism exclusively with the presence of the swastika cross.

Finally, the text provides for an increase in the penalty (one third to one half) in cases of dissemination of Nazism over the internet or when there is the participation of children or adolescents, to whom the protective measures of the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA) must be applied. ).


The proposal will still be dispatched for analysis by the permanent committees of the Chamber.

Source: Câmara de Notícias Agency

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