Bill Gates and Elon Musk Clash Over Technology and Philanthropy: A Closer Look at Their Differences

by time news

2024-04-22 00:29:00

Bill Gates and Elon Musk share the success of their technology companies but they have many differences

Elon Musk y Bill Gates They are two huge businessmen of the technological world and one of the biggest influential people around the world. The confrontation between these two visionaries revealed fundamental differences in their approach and generated public and private exchanges that reflected their disagreements.

But it was important meeting, which would open a new chapter in the history of the technology and the innovation. But the introduction was the introduction to a friendly and productive dialogue between Musk and Gates as a result of conflict. Musk knows about tortured relationships and this one comes close.

“I would love to come see you and talk to you about it philanthropy y climate“, he said Bill Gates a Elon Musk at an event where they met in early 2022. The interactions between the two richest and most powerful people were very cordial and friendly, but things would soon change.

They agreed to organize a visit to the Tesla’s Giga Factory, in Texas. That was the scene of the dispute which was marked by differences of approach in the philanthropyinvestments, climate change, Renewable energythe vision about it Marte e artificial intelligence. Two world views that led to a public confrontation.

Bill Gates and Elon Musk at the Boao Forum for Asia in Qionghai, China, 2015 (Imagine China/AP)

According to the writer Walter Isaacson in the master’s biography, Elon Musk, that meeting began by sharing similarities in their analytical approach and ability to challenge the boundaries of innovation. However, disagreements soon arose that revealed the deep differences between these two visionary leaders.

“You can think of many things about Elon’s behavior, but in our time there is no one who has done more to push the boundaries of science and innovation than him,” Gates told Isaacson, though he does not to close a large distance between them.

Elon Musk has always admired Bill Gates. He loved Windows NT and Microsoft. Elon was even interned at Microsoft’s Toronto office in the late 1980s and 1990s.

“He always liked the Microsoft operating system more than most techieshe could agree with a man who had built a company by showing himself hardcorerelentless and intense,” writes Musk’s biographer.

The question goes further. Musk and Gates have agreed on several points in common, which makes them so similar that they have a good chance to fight each other. One of the most striking similarities between them is their analytical approach and his ability to concentrate hard in their projects.

Isaacson also says that they share “an intellectual state that borders on arrogance” and that “neither of them are fools.”

Elon Musk went from admired Microsoft creator to public controversy (Shutterstock)

But the similarities would be left aside after the visit to the factory. During his tour of Musk’s gigafactory, Gates put his reviews about batteries and solar energy. As? For Gates, batteries could not provide the power needed for large cargo trucks and solar energy would not play a significant role in solving the climate crisis.

“I showed him the numbers. It’s an area where I clearly knew things that he doesn’t know,” Gates says in Musk’s biography about that moment.

Microsoft’s creator also put his finger on the problem: he did criticism of the colonization of Mars. Regardless of the assessment of technology and innovation of Conradh na Gaeilge SpaceXGates did not share Musk’s obsession with Mars, which led to a strange and revealing exchange of ideas.

“I don’t see the Mars thing. He is obsessed with Mars. I let him explain his thoughts on the matter, which is really strange. He is quite a crazy approach in which, if there is a nuclear war on Earth and there are people on Mars, then those people will come back to Earth and they will still be alive after the rest of us kill each other,” Gates admitted. by Isaacson.

Bill Gates, co-director of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and founder of Breakthrough Energy, suggested five philanthropic projects for Musk to invest in. REUTERS/Stephanie Lecoq

The factory impressed the tech entrepreneur and Musk’s detailed knowledge of machinery and processes. Also for Constellation y SpaceX ―something that Gates’ son, Rory, particularly admired and toured― but the differences remained.

The conversation then turned to philanthropy, a matter that sparked a series of disagreements and confrontations between Gates and Musk. Although Gates spent most of his time on philanthropy and offered suggestions to Musk, the latter expressed doubts about his real influence.

At the end of the tour, Gates showed a list five projects, every hundred million dollars. Which one is it? Refugeesschools in the United States, cure for HIVeliminate some of them mosquito-borne diseases through gene therapy and genetically modified seeds that will counteract the effects of climate change.

Musk defined all of this as a “hoax.” There was a reason behind it anger from Musk: the sell Tesla stock short at Gates.

One of the reasons for the dispute, anger and rage between Gates and Musk is the short sale of Tesla shares REUTERS/Lukasz Glowala/File Photo

The dispute reached his end decisive point when Gates admitted he shorted Tesla shares for $500,000, drawing Musk’s concerns and starting a series of public and private exchanges that revealed fundamental differences in their approaches and strategies.

Musk considered that Gates’ maneuver was contradictory, because of Tesla’s efforts in the energy sustainability. According to Isaacson, the owner of the social network X was furious, but even though Gates apologized, the anger remained.

” I said sadly. When he found out he soon sold the shares, he was very rude to mebut he’s so rude to so many people that you can’t take it personally,” Gates notes in Musk’s biography.

“How can someone say they are very involved in the fight against climate change and then do things that reduce the overall investment in the company that is doing the most for it? It is pure hypocrisy. “Why make money from the failure of a sustainable energy company?” Musk wrote to his biographers in a message, days after Gates’ visit to the factory.

Bill Gates tried to get closer to Elon Musk but the disputes jumped from the private sector to the public sphere REUTERS/Stephanie Lecocq

Gates got back in touch after a while with a personal message to Musk, since the creator of SpaceX does not have an assistant.

“Do you still have half a billion dollars against Tesla?” Musk told him.

“I’m sorry to say I didn’t close it.” “I want to comment on some of the philanthropic choices,” Gates replied.

Then, Musk immediately responded: “I’m sorry. I can’t take your climate philanthropy seriously when you have a huge short position against Tesla, the company that is doing the most to solve climate change.

Controversies and controversies continued between them.

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