Bill Gates’ latest warnings about pandemics and viruses that have gone around the world

by time news

A. C.


Updated:25/05/2022 12:34h


Prediction, omen or a simple fear verbalized in public that has gone around the world. Bill Gates he stated in an interview in November 2021 that “we must be ready ‘at any cost’ to curb disasters like smallpox terror attacks.” The American tycoon warned of the possible arrival of modified viruses. The spread of monkeypox in several countries has once again put the executive director of Microsoft and has fueled his fame as a “guru.”

However, those words have been misrepresented on social mediawhere some users have spread hoaxes with conspiracy theories about non-existent biological weapons and false accusations against the North American businessman.

As reported by ABC on Tuesday, Bill Gates He literally asked himself in the aforementioned interview with the British think tank «Policy Exchange» that «What if a bioterrorist brought smallpox to ten airports? Do you know how the world would respond to that?

This reflection led him to demand a greater economic contribution from the Governments to the items dedicated to research and the contributions destined to the World Health Organization (WHO) to form a working group to provide an effective response to new pandemics after the experience with the coronavirus.

In this regard, Bill Gates requested again this May at the second Global COVID-19 Summit, organized by the United States, the need to create a global team of experts that can help the world prepare for the threats of new diseases and announced a new commitment of up to 125 million dollars to fight covid through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

A few days earlier, the American businessman had announced on social media that he had tested positive for coronavirus. A message that he took advantage of to insist on the need to be protected against covid: “I am lucky to be vaccinated and have access to tests and health insurance.”

Bill Gates: “There will be another pandemic and it will be a different pathogen next time”

The computer tycoon has never hidden his forecasts in health matters, to the point that last February he predicted, in a speech at the Annual Munich Security Conference, that “we will have another pandemic. It will be a different pathogen next time.”

However, in line with what has been his speech, Bill Gates insisted that advances in medical technology should help the world do a better job of combating it, as long as investments are made without delay.

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