Black Box – The black box, plot and cast of the thriller

by time news

Original title Black Box, Black Box – The black box offers an adrenaline-filled full immersion in the world of aviation safety. The film of Yann Gozlanpremiering on Rai 3 on Tuesday 23 January, tells the story of Matthieu Vasseur, a young acoustician stationed at the BEA (Bureau of Civil Aviation Safety Investigation and Analysis), which uses its exceptional hearing to investigate plane crashes. His life is turned upside down when a terrible event occurs in the Alps accidentin which over 300 people lost their lives.

Black Box – The black boxthe plot

And flight departed from Dubai and headed to Paris and crashes in the Haute-Savoie Alps. Nobody survives. The BEA is called to investigate what happened and, to shed light on the mystery, chooses its best man, the young autistic Mathieu Vasseur (married to his colleague Noémie). In truth, Mathieu takes over the job when Victor Pollock, his supervisor, mysteriously disappears during the investigation into the black box. Initially, the man thinks that a terrorist Islamic. But the theory doesn’t convince him. He therefore thinks of a technical issue and, to support this thesis, he steals documents from his wife’s computer (destroying his marriage). Then the third hypothesis, which seems to be the one most supported by the evidence: a hacking of the aircraft’s computer networks. Mathieu believes that Xavier Renaud, director of Pegase Security, a company that supplies computer systems to airlines, conspired with Victor Pollock to hide the truth and defend the company. Supporting Vasseur in her investigations is the journalist Caroline Delmas who, however, wants more substantial evidence before writing about it. But is the black box really telling the truth? Or has it rather been tampered with, so as to tell an alternative truth, as Mathieu hypothesizes? Finding out will cost him his life.

He cast

Mathieu Vasseur he has the face of Pierre Niney. Son of art, he made his theater debut at just 11 years old, and then joined the Comédie-Francaise theater company at 20. Subsequently he also made his film debut, taking part in several successful films. Because of his resemblance to the designer, he is chosen to play Yves Saint Laurent in the film of the same name with Charlotte Le Bon: the role earned him the César Award as Best leading actor. His wife Noemi is Lou de Laagealso present in the cast of A stroke of luck – Coup de Chance Di Woody Allen.

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