Black holes are gateways to another world with many unknown universes inside? | black holes | unknown universes | universes | portals | ghosts | stars | cosmic mysteries | galaxies |

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[Voice of Hope, September 8, 2022](Editor: Chen Wenyun)Humans know very little about black holes, because they do not understand, so black holes are too mysterious for humans. It’s a very interesting space phenomenon, like we literally don’t know what a black hole is and what a black hole does. Some of us don’t even believe they exist, they’re almost cosmic ghosts. But when a black hole swallows a huge star, it is so thrilling and spectacular.

On February 17, 2016, the Japan Space Agency launched a special launch vehicle carrying an artificial satellite called “Hitomi”, which is the “pupil” of the pupil of the eye. It’s called a space observatory and is capable of capturing X-rays. Because the Earth’s atmosphere is opaque to X-rays, it is difficult to capture its shadow on Earth. Because of the special capabilities of this satellite, which allows researchers to observe what is happening around the black hole at the Earth’s transceiver station, it will help researchers gather more information about how galaxy clusters form, which will help humanity Further elucidation of the mysteries of the universe.

Unfortunately, just one month later, the artificial satellite “died” completely in space due to a software error, and it sent the last picture to Earth before it died. This image shows X-ray activity in the Perseus cluster of galaxies, 240 million light-years from Earth, with a precision 50 times better than what has been previously obtained. What’s even more exciting is that in the photo, people can clearly see a huge black hole near the constellation Perseus.

Previously, researchers thought that galaxy clusters were energy swarms, hot at their centers and rich in dark matter. So they expected a lot of turbulence and chaotic motion within the cluster, which is exactly the reality of the actual picture. To their surprise, the thermals were moving much slower than expected. The discovery is important because it can help researchers measure cosmic parameters and the growth of the structure of the universe.

Researchers from the University of Waterloo say the calm inside the cluster is striking, giving them a chance to understand how black holes affect the final size of galaxies. They think these hot gases represent the future, as they will form galaxies in the motion of the universe. Even more surprising, they found that the energy pumped out of the black hole can be absorbed very efficiently, which also indirectly shows that the black hole is very effective in controlling the growth rate of the galaxy.

In order to be able to observe more cosmic mysteries, researchers established the VLBI network. The VLBI network, known scientifically as the Very Long Limit Interferometry Network, is a network of radio telescopes that together create an Earth-sized super telescope. Through this super telescope, humans can see more distant galaxies. Researchers have seen galaxies 3.9 billion light-years away in their first observations. And a close-up of the particle flow near the speed of light was obtained in the super-energy matter emitted by the huge black hole, which also verified the relativistic jet conjecture.

When the star is close to the black hole, it will produce a super jet, and then the black hole will gradually attract the star to enter. As the star’s mass decreases, the energy is converted into electromagnetic radiation, so some of the material will become gas and form a huge disk, The diameter of the disk can vary from a few kilometers to hundreds of thousands of light-years. This is the relativistic jet, scientific name Relativistic Jets. Astronomers say the next generation of radio telescopes should be able to provide more detail when a star is engulfed by a black hole.

Stephen Hawking has said that black holes are likely to be gateways to another universe, a theory supported by many astronomy fans. Because of the huge gravity of a black hole, no light can escape its attraction, and it is speculated that the entire time field can be distorted under the action of this gravity, which can slow the passage of time to a large extent.

Some researchers also believe that black holes can contain many unknown universes. It also means that we humans may exist in a black hole ourselves. The answer will be left to future humans.

Responsible editor: Li Jingrou

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