Bluetongue: The state will cover vaccination costs and veterinary visits

by time news

Bluetongue: Government‌ Responds with Vaccination Campaign

<p ⁢class="paragraph textalignleft”>The government has⁢ responded ‌to‍ the outbreak ⁤of bluetongue (BFT) ⁣by providing⁤ financial support for ⁤veterinary visits to animals suspected of the disease. Laboratory analyses will confirm the presence of the virus and‍ guide ‌vaccination efforts. The vaccination campaign is​ scheduled to begin on Monday, following the confirmation of three outbreaks of the new serotype 3 in the north of France.

<p class="paragraph textalignleft”>The state is responsible for activities such as visiting suspected animals, investigating outbreaks, treating‍ clinical cases, and conducting animal censuses. ⁢These services are provided by health practitioners at no‌ cost ‍to farmers.

<h2 class="inlinetitle marginbottommd⁣ margintopxxl”>First ⁣French Case in the North

<p class="paragraph textalignleft”>This epidemic, transmitted ​by mosquitoes,⁣ first‌ emerged⁢ in the Netherlands in September ⁢2023. It then spread to Belgium, Germany, and the United Kingdom in quick succession. Outbreaks have significantly increased in Belgium and the Netherlands in⁤ recent days, with ⁤over 300⁢ cases reported in Belgium.

<p class="paragraph⁢ textalignleft”>Bluetongue, also known ⁢as “blue tongue disease,”⁢ affects sheep and other animals. Symptoms include fever, respiratory problems, a swollen tongue,​ and even the loss of fetuses. While it primarily affects sheep, it can also⁢ impact cattle and deer ⁢with a ‍lower mortality rate.

<p class="paragraph textalign_left”>The ‍virus responsible for bluetongue ​(FCO) has ⁤been present in France for years, with serotypes⁢ 4 and 8 primarily affecting ⁤Corsica and the​ mainland. Vaccines are already ‌available for these serotypes, but thousands of unvaccinated sheep have died in recent weeks in the South. Notably, French flocks ⁢have ‍not developed any resistance to ⁣serotype 3,‍ which ⁤is new to the region.

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