Bolsonaro says that the electoral Justice will commit an affront if it disqualifies him – 06/23/2023 – Brazil

by time news

2023-06-23 15:45:00

The ex-president Jair Bolsonaro told Folha this Thursday that it would be an insult for the Superior Electoral Court disable it. He also expressed that he would like to remain 100% politically active and that, in the event of a possible adverse judicial decision, he would lose “a bit of that power.” The statement was given a few hours before the start of the trial that he could revoke his political rights.

Bolsonaro traveled to Porto Alegre in the morning to participate in meetings at the Transposul Transport and Logistics Fair and Congress. If convicted, according to current legislation, the ex-president will only will be able to apply again in 2030, at the age of 75, thus remaining away from three elections; including the presidential elections of 2026.

“At my age, [lo] What would I like to do? Stay 100% active in politics; and taking away your political rights, which in my opinion is an affront, you lose a bit of that potency,” he said. “So, I think what I did over the course of four years is something to be studied. The Brazilian flag, people began to respect it, to sing the national anthem, they learned to value freedom. They got to know the institutions,” she added.

Translated by José Alberto Gutiérrez

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