Boys vs I Choose to Believe, which one hit the most movie theaters?

by time news

2023-12-07 21:00:00

Curious today in theaters with the premiere of two documentaries about the world champion team in Qatar 2022, almost a year ago.

On one hand there is BOYS and on the other I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE.

One is distributed by Disney in its STAR branch and the other is independent, with DIGICINE. How many rooms did each one get?

On the side of I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE it reaches 270 theaters, which is an excellent output. All of those in 2D and some 4D are added

But GUYS has a few more because it totals 339, which includes the 4Ds. Even in 4D they fight!!!

We are hours away from seeing how each one starts, but for copies it is logically easier for Boys to win.

#Boys #Choose #hit #movie #theaters

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