Brexit, France sends 2 ships to Jersey: “Great Britain does not scare us”

by time news

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The French fishing boats have left Jersey after talks with the authorities of the island of Jersey. The fishing vessels are now headed east and have left St Helier’s Bay. The BBC reports. The Secretary of State for European Affairs of France, Clement Beaune, after London had sent two warships to patrol the area in front of the Island of Jersey, it announced that France “will not be intimidated” by the UK’s maneuvers in the English Channel. The island of Jersey is a dependency of the British Crown, and here a hundred French fishing boats are threatening to implement a blockade of the port of Saint Helier, in a dispute over post-Brexit fishing licenses. Meanwhile, in the tug-of-war waged by the two countries, also France of Emmanuel Macron sent two military ships near Jersey.

Brexit, EU: calm is needed but Great Britain is violating agreements

The EU calls for “moderation and calm” regarding the dispute over the exploitation of fish resources in the English Channel which has also seen the mobilization, in the last few hours, of British warships to avoid the access of French fishing boats. “We follow the situation” and the important “is to discuss the problem,” he said Dana Spinant, spokesperson for the European Commission. The EU executive “on 30 April received a notification from the UK authorities on the granting of 41 licenses for EU fishing vessels fishing in the territorial waters of Jersey“But” further conditions have been decided “, added the spokesperson Vivian Loonela. In response to this request, “we indicated to the United Kingdom that the provisions of the agreement” between the EU and London “had not been respected”, since “the conditions” for the concessions “must be based on clear and scientific reasons and not be discriminatory “. In addition, “these requirements must be requested in advance from the parties involved to allow time to respond,” concluded the spokesperson.

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