British and Irish reject World Cup application – European Championship 2028 as a goal | Free press

by time news
London (dpa) -.

According to a media report, Great Britain and Ireland are aiming to apply for the 2028 European Football Championship.

In return, the four British (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland) and the Irish association want to discard their considerations for an application for the 2030 World Cup, as the “Times” reported. The newspaper cites as a reason for the fear of those responsible that the World Association FIFA will lose the World Cup for sport-political reasons. Several nations are interested in hosting the World Cup finals in 2030, including Portugal together with Spain, an association of Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay and Chile and probably China.

The European Football Union, UEFA, had recently decided to award the 2028 and 2032 European Championships at the same time. Applications should be possible until March next. A decision could – depending on the number of applicants – be made in September 2023. The 2024 European Championship finals will be hosted by Germany.

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