British court: Julian Assange may be extradited to the USA – politics

by time news

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange (50) may be extradited to the USA!

On Friday morning, an appeals court in London overturned the rejection of the US extradition request. This was announced by a judge at the London High Court.

At the beginning of the year it was said that his mental and health condition and the expected prison conditions in the USA would not allow an extradition.

Washington had challenged the decision – and was now right. The assurances given by the US in the meantime are sufficient to dispel the worries, said the judge.

It was not immediately clear whether the tug-of-war over Assange was over. His supporters had already announced that they would appeal again in this case.

Dozens of supporters of the Wikileaks founder who had gathered in front of the courthouse in London were disappointed and indignant. Many chanted “shame, shame” and announced that they would continue to fight for Assange’s release.


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Assange supporters gathered outside the courthouse in London on Friday morningFoto: HENRY NICHOLLS/REUTERS

Assange’s family members have been describing his health as poor and worrying for months. The 50-year-old has been in London’s maximum security prison, Belmarsh, for more than two years.

Assange faces 175 years in prison

The Wikileaks founder must first expect to be extradited to the United States. The 50-year-old faces up to 175 years imprisonment in the USA if convicted.

The US judiciary wants to bring Assange to trial on allegations of espionage. The native Australian is accused of stealing and publishing secret material from US military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan together with whistleblower Chelsea Manning (33).

He put the lives of US informants in danger. Supporters see him as an investigative journalist who brought war crimes to light.

At hearings in October, both sides had re-presented their arguments. The US attorneys accused the British judiciary of having relied on incorrect reports in their assessment. The United States promised that Assange would be transferred to an Australian prison in the event of his arrest.


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