Broadcasting of staged interviews with Armenian prisoners of war by Azerbaijan is a direct violation of their rights – 2024-04-16 01:14:17

by times news cr

2024-04-16 01:14:17

Statement of the Committee for the Protection of Fundamental Rights of Artsakh People:

“The Committee for the Protection of the Fundamental Rights of the People of Artsakh is seriously concerned by the latest reports, which describe in detail the gross violations of the rights of Armenian prisoners of war by Azerbaijan, particularly in relation to the fundamental principle of the right to be free from public curiosity, which is enshrined in the Third Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War. These actions are not only reprehensible from a moral point of view, but also directly contradict international humanitarian law.

Article 13 of the Third Geneva Convention expressly prohibits prisoners of war from being subjected to public scrutiny. The public broadcast of videos depicting prisoners of war in Azerbaijan is a gross violation of their right to inviolability of private life and dignity according to that convention. Article 27 of the Fourth Geneva Convention similarly prohibits such public demonstrations against civilians. Moreover, these actions violate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which affirms the right to privacy and protection from arbitrary interference with private life, family, home or correspondence.

Azerbaijan’s broadcast of staged interviews with Armenian prisoners of war and hostages is a direct violation of their rights and worsens their already difficult situation. Azerbaijan’s manipulative tactics serve to undermine the integrity of international humanitarian law and must be condemned unconditionally by the international community.

In light of these flagrant violations, we call on government officials and human rights organizations to take direct measures to prevent Azerbaijan from broadcasting videos or interviews with prisoners of war and hostages in the future. This includes using diplomatic channels, sanctions where necessary, and public condemnation to hold Azerbaijan accountable for its actions.

We strongly emphasize that allowing any rebroadcast of such videos by other participating states is not only a gross violation of the third and fourth Geneva Conventions, but also a reprehensible disregard of the basic principles of humanitarian law. Therefore, it is extremely important that all participating states take urgent and decisive actions to prevent any rebroadcast of such Azerbaijani videos on servers and media platforms under their jurisdiction.

Furthermore, we demand that international humanitarian organizations, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, immediately and unhindered access to all detention centers where Armenian prisoners of war and hostages are held. This is important to ensure the well-being and proper treatment of those persons as enshrined in the Geneva Conventions and other applicable international human rights treaties, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment the convention.

It is imperative that Azerbaijan fulfill its obligations under international law and stop all actions that violate the rights of Armenian prisoners of war and hostages. Failure to do so not only undermines the principles of humanity and dignity, but also threatens regional stability and peace.

We are ready to work with the international community in the direction of eliminating these violations and ensuring the protection of the rights of all persons affected by the conflict. We call on all state actors and international organizations to continue demanding the immediate and unconditional release of all Armenians held in illegal Azerbaijani captivity.

It is our collective responsibility to uphold the relevant principles of the Geneva Conventions and human rights, as well as to protect the dignity and well-being of all prisoners of war and hostages illegally held in Azerbaijani captivity.

Committee for Protection of Fundamental Rights of the People of Artsakh”.

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