Budget: how Bercy wants to meet its deficit reduction objectives at all costs

by time news

2024-02-20 08:02:57

A deficit that is slipping in 2023, growth that is faltering in 2024, and two massive savings plans this year and next year to try to recover the public accounts as best they can without causing economic activity to plunge further. The government has officially given itself a new budgetary roadmap which promises to be full of pitfalls.

After being invited to the 20 Hours of TF1 on Sunday, Bruno Le Maire wanted to spend a second coat this Monday to justify the weight loss cure of 10 billion euros in public spending implemented this year. “The condition for all rearmament is financial rearmament. The financial rearmament of France is essential to prepare us for any eventuality in the future,” underlined the Minister of the Economy during a press conference in Bercy.

#Budget #Bercy #meet #deficit #reduction #objectives #costs

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