Bullies at college, various measures to “get well” them. Kompatscher: «Suspensions are sometimes counterproductive» – Information

by times news cr

2024-05-23 10:51:59

BOLZANO. The Province of Bolzano is aiming for ‘various measures‘ and never solely on the suspension of pupils and college students with unsuitable conduct at college. The provincial council has in actual fact accredited an modification to the coed statute which gives for the obligatory participation in cultural and social tasks.

Because the governor highlighted Arno Kompatscher presenting the information on the press convention, “focusing solely on suspensions is usually counterproductive as a result of these are youngsters who’ve many absences and who ought to as a substitute be made up for within the faculty context”.

“Disciplinary measures that present for the participation of scholars in social or cultural tasks, which additionally happen in collaboration with different public or personal entities, have in sure conditions an excellent significance from a pedagogical and academic viewpoint”, they declared in settlement the three provincial training councilors Etiquette, Achammer e Friday.

“For that reason we’ve got made an modification to the provincial pupil statute, in analogy with state laws, in order to have the ability to give a authorized foundation to those disciplinary measures”. The provincial faculty council, the provincial pupil councils and the provincial dad and mom’ councils had been heard relating to the change made. The decision is now printed within the Official Bulletin of the Area.

2024-05-23 10:51:59

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