Bus driver loses life in accident in Pinar del Río – 2024-04-11 04:47:29

by times news cr

2024-04-11 04:47:29

A tragic traffic accident shook the community of Pinar del Río, when near kilometer 6, on the highway to Coloma, a bus heading towards the provincial capital went out of control and collided with a local home.

Reports on social networks indicate that the accident took place in the early hours of the morning, and left the driver of the vehicle dead and four people injured.

Likewise, preliminary reports mention that the bus driver lost control for still unknown reasons, causing the tragedy.

The impact was such that the bus driver died instantly, while three passengers of a horse cart that was traveling through the area and a resident of the affected home were injured.

“One death (the bus driver) and four injuries (three people who were traveling in a horse cart on the road and one of the residents of the house that the vehicle hit) are preliminarily reported. At this time, the victims are being transferred. injured to the provincial hospital”, reads in one of the publications.

The identities of the victims have not yet been released, but authorities are expected to provide more details as the day progresses.

In the images, you can see how the heavy vehicle is right in front of the rubble of the affected house, evidencing the impact.

IN OTHER NEWS: They ask for help for a Cuban who had an accident and is fighting for his life in Camagüey

In this way, another traffic accident once again causes a heartbreaking tragedy on the island, thus adding to the long and macabre list of similar situations that seems to have no end.

Imprudent driving, vehicle damage or poor road conditions are some of the factors that influence this type of situation.

Editorial of Cubans around the World

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