Business Forum Members Gather in Jerusalem to Protest Coup d’État: Damage to Economy and Fear of Civil War Dictate Urgent Action

by time news

Business Leaders Gather in Jerusalem to Protest Coup d’état

Several members of the Business Forum, a group that includes over 100 heads of business from various sectors and industries, gathered in Jerusalem over the last two days to protest against the coup d’état. In interviews with “Calcalist,” they expressed concerns about the damage to the economy, the fear of further deterioration, and the possibility of civil war.

Asaf Haralf, one of the owners of Kalmobil and a member of the forum’s board of directors, criticized the country’s leadership, particularly the prime minister, for damaging the country and being willing to destroy it in order to escape justice. He stated, “We all understand that without democracy there is no high-tech and no industry, and without that, there is no economic growth for the State of Israel – and the state today is on the brink of an abyss.”

When asked about potential consumer boycotts, Haralf emphasized that they were acting out of their values and love for the country, stating, “We cannot act out of fear.” He criticized the government for not addressing issues such as the cost of living and housing, instead focusing on laws that consolidate power and harm important institutions.

The forum’s response to the coup d’état and legislative changes has been cautious, with Haralf stating that they are waiting for leadership from the Histadrut chairman and local government chairman before taking more drastic actions. He believes that these figures hold the necessary legitimacy to rally support for a strike.

Another member of the forum, Nadav Tzafrir, founder and managing partner of team8 and former commander of Unit 8200, expressed concerns about the impact on the cohesion of the army. He stated, “There’s a point that if you undermine it too much – you can collapse all the wonder we have created here in 75 years.” Tzafrir emphasized that the responsibility lies with the prime minister to address the current situation.

Ella Alkalai, a partner in the IBI investment house, echoed the concerns of the business leaders, stating that the country is in a state of emergency. She criticized the government for constantly introducing new legislation without proper management or consideration for the economy or workers’ interests.

While some business leaders expressed concerns about potential lawsuits from shareholders, they emphasized the need to take action to prevent the country’s further deterioration. They highlighted the importance of stopping the erosion of democracy, the damage to the economy, and the strain on relationships with other countries.

The Business Forum and its members are committed to preventing unilateral legislation and will take steps to protect the economy, although the exact actions will vary among organizations due to regulatory considerations. The main focus is on preserving the unity of the people, building the economy, and maintaining the country’s relationship with the United States as a full democracy.

Overall, these business leaders are standing up against the coup d’état and advocating for dialogue and concerted action to address the current crisis facing the country.

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