Caixa pays this Tuesday (23) new Bolsa Família to beneficiaries with NIS of end 4

by time news

2024-01-23 09:46:28

The minimum value corresponds to R$600, but, with the new additional, the average value of the benefit increases to R$685.61

Caixa Econômica Federal pays this Tuesday (23) the January installment of the new Bolsa Família to beneficiaries with a Social Registration Number (NIS) at the end of 4.

The minimum value corresponds to R$600, but, with the new additional, the average value of the benefit increases to R$685.61. According to the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, this month, the federal government’s income transfer program will reach 21.12 million families, with expenditure of R$14.48 billion.

In addition to the minimum benefit, there is the payment of three additional benefits. The Nutriz Family Variable Benefit pays six installments of R$50 to mothers of babies up to 6 months of age, to guarantee the child’s nutrition. Bolsa Família also pays an additional R$50 to families with pregnant women and children aged 7 to 18 and another R$150 to families with children up to 6 years old.

In the traditional Bolsa Família model, payment occurs in the last ten working days of each month. The beneficiary will be able to consult information about payment dates, the value of the benefit and the composition of the installments in the Caixa Tem application, used to monitor the bank’s digital savings accounts.

Starting this year, Bolsa Família beneficiaries no longer have the Defeso Insurance discount. The change was established by Law 14,601/2023, which rescued the Bolsa Família Program (PBF). Defeso Insurance is paid to people who survive exclusively from artisanal fishing and who cannot carry out the activity during the piracema period (fish reproduction).


Since July last year, the integration of Bolsa Família data with the National Register of Social Information (CNIS) has become effective. Based on cross-referenced information, 3.7 million families were canceled from the program in 2023 for having income above the rules established by Bolsa Família. The CNIS has more than 80 billion administrative records relating to income, formal employment relationships and social security and assistance benefits paid by the National Social Security Institute (INSS).

On the other hand, another 2.85 million families were included in the program last year. Inclusion was possible because of the active search policy, based on the restructuring of the Unified Social Assistance System (Suas) and which focuses on the most vulnerable people who are entitled to the income supplement, but do not receive the benefit.


Protection rule

Around 2.4 million families are under the protection rule in January. In force since June last year, this rule allows families whose members get a job and improve their income to receive 50% of the benefit to which they would be entitled for up to two years, as long as each member receives the equivalent of up to half the minimum wage. For these families, the average benefit was R$373.07.

Gas Aid

This month, there will be no payment of Gas Aid, which benefits families registered with CadÚnico. As the benefit is only paid every two months, payment will return in February.

Only those who are included in CadÚnico and have at least one family member who receives the Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC) can receive Gas Aid. The law that created the program defined that the woman responsible for the family will have preference, as well as women victims of domestic violence.

With information from Agência Brasil


#Caixa #pays #Tuesday #Bolsa #Família #beneficiaries #NIS

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