Call for Doctors Who Promote Vaccines

by time news

2023-07-28 22:00:59

Dr. Edward Jenner is considered the creator of the first vaccine in history and its application occurred in 1796.
Immunization campaigns help prevent at least three million deaths annually on the planet.
In 2015, an award was created for the Mexican doctors who best promote vaccines among society.

The role that health professionals play is essential because they are agents of change. Thanks to the prestige they have in society, they can motivate their patients to adopt a new lifestyle. Although beyond the benefit they generate, the doctors who best promote vaccines can win an award.

In this case we refer to the “Vaccinate to give Opportunities” Award from Sanofi Mexico. Its goal is to recognize all the people who together promote the value of immunization and work for the well-being of people making this a safer world for all.

The ninth edition of the award will recognize 7 winners who, through their professional activities or altruism, have had a positive impact on vaccination schemes in the country.

“Vaccines are for everyone, but unfortunately there are still many girls and boys in the world who do not receive the protection they require. We have a very dramatic piece of data that we must pay special attention to: a child dies every 20 seconds from vaccine-preventable diseases in the world,” said André Soresini, who is General Director of the Vaccine Unit at Sanofi Mexico.

However, thanks to joint work, important advances have been made in our country. According to the Ministry of Health (SSa)Just over 83% of girls and boys under one year of age receive the biological that protects them against diseases such as poliomyelitis, diphtheria, whooping cough, among others.

Categories of the Vaccinate to Give Opportunities Award

A life dedicated to vaccination

It rewards those people dedicated to health, whose work in the area of ​​vaccination has contributed to generating and implementing solutions for the main challenges in the matter, strengthening with their work the National Vaccination System for the benefit of the Mexican population.

Zoom in on vaccination

It recognizes those natural persons or private, public or social institutions, Mexican and non-profit, which have implemented operational solutions in terms of access to vaccination or in the areas of prevention and combat of preventable diseases through immunization. .

New actors in vaccination

This category recognizes those people who, although they do not yet have an extensive professional career, their merits and work in favor of vaccination distinguish them. These people have contributed to generating and implementing solutions for the vaccination challenges that exist in our country and for the benefit of the Mexican population.

People who raise awareness

It rewards people who have done work to disseminate information about the importance of vaccination; the right to vaccination; the relevance of timely vaccination and, in general, on vaccination issues with the aim of generating knowledge among the population. It has three subcategories: traditional media; digital media; and digital content creators.

Vaccination Educators

This category recognizes those people, institutions and groups that promote vaccination in educational centers, work and any other place.

According to the organizers, this year it is expected to exceed the number of registrations received during 2022, in which 10 winners received a continuing education event in order to continue benefiting their work in favor of vaccination. This initiative to recognize doctors who promote vaccines was born in 2015 and since then it has awarded more than 40 people.

On this occasion, the applications will be analyzed by an Evaluation Committee of experts from the public and private sectors in the fields of health, vaccination and dissemination of information, among which are the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), National Academy of Medicine AC, Mexican Academy of Pediatrics, Mexican Academy of Surgery, Mexican Foundation for Health AC, Iberoamerican University, Medical Impact and AXA Foundation.

The registration of works for all those interested in participating is open and can be do at this link. While the deadline to receive the works ends on September 15, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.

Also read:

Sanofi launches the call for the “Vaccinate to give opportunities” Award

The vaccines with the highest worldwide coverage among children

Timeline with the history and development of vaccines

#Call #Doctors #Promote #Vaccines

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