call for the continuation of the strike, with a demonstration on Thursday

by time news

The central demand of the collective remains the increase in the price of the consultation to 50 euros to create a “shock of attractiveness” towards a city medicine.

The liberal doctors are called upon to continue this week the strike movement started the day after Christmas to obtain a revaluation of the consultation, we learned Monday from the collective at the initiative of the mobilization.

The young collectiveDoctors for tomorrow» is already projecting towards a national demonstration planned for Thursday afternoon in Paris, between the Pantheon and the Ministry of Health, where he should be received by François Braun. Too late for the founder of the collective, Christelle Audigier who denounces a “ostrich politicsfrom the government.

After a first movement on December 1 and 2, the collective had called for the closure of medical offices from December 26 to January 2. Dr. Audigier said Monday that about 70% of GPs were on strike last week, Health Insurance estimating the decline in activity of around 10%. “The vast majority of general practitioners did not follow this strike movement“, noted Monday on France Info the director general of the National health insurance fund (Cnam), Thomas Fatôme, judging this mobilization “incomprehensible in the period of epidemics that we know».

An increase in the price of the consultation to 50 euros

The central demand of the collective remains the increase in the price of the consultation to 50 euros to create a “attraction shocktowards a city medicine overwhelmed by administrative tasks to the detriment of medical time and which no longer attracts young people. The head of Health Insurance assures that general practitioners will be upgraded within the framework of the conventional negotiation, which must resume “from the beginning of next weekto be completed before the end of February. But an amount of50 euros would be relatively extravagant, it would mean an increase for each general practitioner of the order of 100,000 euros“, he said, noting that the main unions of doctors did not make this claim.

The strike during the holidays, when the emergencies were saturated, was strongly criticized by François Braun. More understanding, the inter-union of hospital doctors Action Praticiens Hôpital saw in the strike the “tip of the iceberg that is the decay of our health care system».

The first week of 2023 is marked by another mobilization, that of liberal biologists. To contest the amount of savings requested of them after a sharp increase in their profits during the health crisis, they have been called upon since Monday to no longer report the results of the Covid tests allowing the evolution of the epidemic to be monitored. “This movement is already followed by more than 90% of laboratories“, Claimed Monday the professionals of the sector.

The director of the Cnam judged this means of action “quite outrageous». «We must not mix public health and subjects of profitability, but this is unfortunately what the major biology groups are doing today.“, he regretted. The week should end with wishes on Friday to the health actors of President Emmanuel Macron, who will try to appease a sector in turmoil.

SEE ALSO – London: Nurses begin second day of strike

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