Cameroon: High tensions at ART, suspicions of embezzlement at the top – 2024-04-18 10:36:03

by times news cr

2024-04-18 10:36:03

A rebellious wind is blowing over the Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ART) of Cameroon. At the heart of the turmoil: an open conflict between the Managing Director Philemon Zoo Zame and the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications Minette Bombs Like It, amid suspicions of financial embezzlement. Serious accusations which shed harsh light on the management of this strategic institution, as revealed exclusively by

The bone of contention: the penalties imposed on operators

At the origin of this war of bosses: the distribution of penalties imposed on operators and operators of electronic communications networks over the period 2017-2020. Substantial sums, intended to be paid in the form of performance bonuses to staff in charge of regulation (MINPOSTEL) and regulation (ART, ANTIC).

But here it is: Philemon Zoo Zame refuses to make payments, requiring in advance certificates of effective presence dating back less than three months for each beneficiary. A condition deemed abusive by the Minister, who sees it as a delaying tactic by the DG of the ART.

When the Minister reframes her DG

Faced with what she considers to be blatant insubordination, Minette Libom Li Likeng chose the strong approach. In a vitriolic correspondence dated April 9, 2024, she ordered Philemon Zoo Zame to proceed “ without delay » to the payment of the statements prepared by the entities concerned, or to the transfer to each entity of its share.

A proper reframing, where the Minister dryly reminds her subordinate that he has left his “scope of competence”. A way to reaffirm its authority and cut short any hint of resistance from the DG of the ART.

The specter of embezzlement hangs over the ART

But beyond this power struggle, it is the specter of corruption that hangs over the whole affair. Indeed, from well-informed sources, ART staff suspect Philemon Zoo Zame of having already embezzled the funds in question.

Extremely serious accusations, which, if proven, would cast a worrying shadow on the integrity of the leader of this key institution. How can we explain his stubborn refusal to make the payments, if not by the desire to gain time to cover his tracks?

A governance crisis that speaks volumes

Beyond people, an entire system of governance seems to be running out of steam. How could such a situation persist, without any control or audit putting an end to these dysfunctions?

This crisis reveals a deeper evil: that of institutions eaten away by internal struggles, suspicions of embezzlement, far from the public service missions that should be theirs. A bitter observation, which calls for a strong and rapid reaction from the highest authorities of the State.

For an ART serving the general interest

Because the issue goes well beyond a simple personal quarrel. It is the very credibility of ART, and through it of all telecommunications regulation in Cameroon, which is at stake. A strategic sector, vital for the economic and social development of the country.

It is time to put the ART back on the right path. To restore confidence and transparency in its management. To ensure that every cent of the penalties paid by operators is used wisely, in the service of the general interest and not specific interests.

This is an immense project, which requires unfailing political will and the support of all stakeholders. From operators to consumers and civil society, everyone has a role to play in bringing about a new generation of ART.

An efficient, transparent ART that listens to its users. An ART which is a model of governance and an engine of development for Cameroon. This is the challenge that awaits Minette Libom Li Likeng and the entire government. A difficult challenge, but so crucial for the future of the country.

The crisis that is shaking ART must be the trigger for awareness and a salutary reaction. The credibility of the State, the confidence of citizens and the attractiveness of Cameroon for investors are at stake. The stakes are immense, the time is no longer for procrastination but for action. With courage, determination and integrity. So that the ART becomes again what it should never have ceased to be: an institution serving the common good.

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