Cameroon: Santa Lucia singled out for moldy products sold to consumers – 2024-02-29 08:15:42

by times news cr

2024-02-29 08:15:42

moldy cakes

A complaint that leaves no mark. The Santa Lucia Complex, a distribution brand established in Cameroon, is singled out on the networks for having marketed products clearly unfit for consumption.

Moldy cakes sold to the public

It was via private messaging that a dissatisfied customer wanted to alert people to a disturbing event that had occurred at the Santa Lucia Complex. “I had some cakes there this morning and when I came to eat it, it was moldy” he testifies, supporting photos of muffins covered in black spots.

A visibly failing control which could have had serious health consequences, particularly for the youngest.

Doubts about procurement policy

Beyond this specific case, Santa Lucia’s entire supply and quality control policy is being questioned. Between imported products of variable quality and lack of checks, the brand seems to endanger its customers through greed according to this dissatisfied consumer.

An isolated complaint certainly, but the virulence of which testifies to the deep annoyance of Cameroonians in the face of certain questionable commercial practices. A word to the wise!

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