Cameroon shines in Guinea: Sultan-King Bamoun and Joseph Antoine Bell in the spotlight – 2024-04-22 15:47:23

by times news cr

2024-04-22 15:47:23

The Sultan-King of the Bamouns Nabil Njoya and the former international footballer Joseph Antoine Bell, true icons of Cameroon, are the guests of honor of the 16th edition of the ” 72 hours of the book » in Conakry, Guinea. An event dedicated to culture and sport.

Cameroon, country in the spotlight of the “72 hours of the book” 2024

It is a prestigious delegation which was warmly welcomed this Saturday April 20, 2024 in Conakry. The Sultan-King of the Bamouns Nabil Njoya and His Majesty Joseph Antoine Bell, two emblematic figures of Cameroon, traveled to the Guinean capital on the occasion of the 16th edition of the “72 hours of the book”. This annual book exhibition event, organized by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Crafts, chose Cameroon as the guest country of honor.

“Literature and Sports”, a unifying theme

The choice of the theme “Literature and Sports” for this 2024 edition is particularly judicious. It brings together two worlds which, at first glance, may seem distant, but which in reality have a lot to share. The joint presence of Sultan Njoya, heir to a unique literary tradition, and Joseph Antoine Bell, African football legend, perfectly illustrates this symbiosis between the mind and the body, between culture and performance.

Sultan Njoya, guardian of an exceptional scriptural heritage

The arrival of Sultan Njoya takes on a very special dimension. His ancestor, Sultan Ibrahim Njoya, made history for having created, after more than 40 years of hard work, a writing system specific to the Bamoun language, an exceptional linguistic and cultural feat. During the “72 hours of the book”, Sultan Njoya will meet Guinean specialists in language writing systems, for a sharing of experiences and knowledge which promises to be exciting.

As for Joseph Antoine Bell, his presence brings a touch of sporting glamor to the event. Voted best African goalkeeper of the last century, double winner of the African Cup of Nations, the “round ball intellectual” perfectly embodies this link between sport and culture. There is no doubt that his interventions will be eagerly awaited, he who has always been able to uphold the values ​​of excellence and commitment, on and off the field.

A showcase for the cultural influence of Cameroon

Beyond the event itself, this participation of Cameroon in the “ 72 hours of the book » is a fantastic opportunity for the country to promote its culture and heritage. By sending two of its most illustrious representatives, Cameroon affirms its status as a great cultural and sporting nation. A great way also to strengthen the historical and fraternal ties that unite the Cameroonian people and the Guinean people.

There is no doubt that these “72 hours of the book” 2024 will be a great year, with Cameroon as a guest star., your reference information portal, will keep you informed throughout this event which celebrates the richness and diversity of African cultures.

By François Etame for

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