Can a woman succeed in cryptocurrency investing? See here how

by time news

Investing is not just a man’s world. In particular, cryptocurrency and the industry around it have increased opportunities for women to get involved in making money.

Crypto for women

As with any investment, investing in cryptocurrency offers many opportunities, not only for men but also for women. Cryptocurrency in particular has been a means for individuals who would otherwise not have access to electronic banking or finance to access wealth.

And now it has also created an opportunity for women, especially in developing countries, to participate in finance. And empower themselves in the process. Free spins India sites is a good example, there you can find opportunities for winnings for both men and women is equal.

Tony Sloterman, the product owner of Casino Bonuses Finder, also believes that women’s participation in the financial world can only be good and creates a natural balance.

The female revolution in the crypto sector

The year 2021 was a time of growth in the crypto sector. More and more projects and coins turned a profit, many investors became millionaires literally overnight. But how many of these were women? Statistics don’t tell us, but statistics can tell us that the number of women in crypto is on the rise.

One of the many hundreds of crypto exchanges in the world, BTC Markets, an Australian cryptocurrency exchange, experienced an increase of up to 175% in its female users in its last financial year. According to the company, this was an 80% increase compared to the number of male users.

Women have also increased their initial deposits, currently averaging around $2 381, compared to around $2 060 for men. However, the size of the investment portfolio was still slightly smaller for women, at around $400, compared to men. A number of small factors also indicated that women’s investment tactics were more structured, including a smaller range of more targeted positions in the portfolio.

Could crypto bridge the financial inequality gap?

As more and more women invest in cryptocurrencies, the industry’s reputation is growing. And not without reason, as several reports have found that the increased participation of women in the crypto sector is helping it to align with other traditional investments.

What is alarming is the lack of knowledge – and self-belief. According to one report, up to a third of women with a university degree do not believe they have equal access to finance compared to men. However, it is a relief that millennials already believe that the opportunity of crypto can be a way to bridge the gender financial gap.

So how do bring these beliefs together? Is it just about age groups? Is youth our future on this issue too?

The reality is a little broader than that. Throughout history, economic resources have been unequally available. This naturally means unequal opportunities.

For example, in countries where, for example, access to bank accounts is legally or culturally restricted to men, this can inhibit women’s ability to control their own lives – and therefore their opportunities.

For most women living in the developed West, the barriers to finance are fairly straightforward. Money can be accessed seamlessly through credit cards or a bank app, for example. In traditional societies, where women earning money or holding bank accounts is not considered a good thing or is a social taboo, the situation is different.


  • Statistics show that up to 24% of women report owning crypto.
  • Of these, 70% hold cryptocurrency for the long term.
  • The most commonly held coins by women are Bitcoin (71%), Dogecoin (42%) and Ethereum (18%).

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