Can the Popular Weight Loss Injection Ozempic Help with Addictions and Compulsions?

by time news

2023-08-10 19:38:00
Updated: 08/10/2023 – 19:38

Popular weight loss injection Ozempic should also help against addictions and compulsions

Vicious circle: those who drink a lot usually also smoke.

Ozempic sheds the pounds. The hope: The active ingredient semaglutid could also slow down addictions. What do researchers say about this?

In the fight against diabetes and the obesity that often accompanies it, there is a silver bullet: semaglutid. The active ingredient lets the pounds tumble. Weight loss injections, such as “Ozempic”, which contain the active ingredient, are selling like hot cakes worldwide, and the drugs are said to have been hardly available in the meantime.

The Danish group “Novo Nordisc”, which brings Ozempic and other diabetes preparations such as “Wegovy” onto the market, is now considered particularly important and valuable on the European stock exchange floor. The value of the brand could continue to increase in the foreseeable future if it proves true that semaglutide also changes addictive behavior.

Can Ozempic or Semaglutid Curb Addiction?

Possibly yes. Countless people are posting on many social media platforms how successfully they have managed to get their excess weight under control with Ozempic, and that food cravings are a thing of the past. Now there are more and more reports that the active ingredient semaglutide also has a positive effect on addictive behavior. The urge for the next cigarette is almost zero. And the craving for a drink also seems to be flattening out for many.

Ozempic should also help against compulsions

But not only addictions, but also obsessive-compulsive disorders could mitigate diabetes drugs like Ozempic. Increasingly, people taking Ozempic are reporting on social media that from one day to the next they have stopped biting their nails for years or are no longer tormented by cravings (binge eating). Others suddenly no longer felt the urge to shop excessively or gamble away their money.

How do researchers explain the phenomenon?

Even though numerous people report using Ozempic or comparable drugs to get addiction or compulsions under control, experts are still cautious in their assessment. Possibly, so warn critical voices, it is an internet hype. So far, there has been a lack of well-founded research results that support the hypothesis that semaglutide also prevents compulsions.

However, several studies are now underway on the effect of semaglutide on cravings for alcohol, cocaine, nicotine or opioids. At least the first results from animal experiments show that the active substance actually suppresses the craving for addiction. Further studies must show whether this is also confirmed in addicted people. If that were the case, semaglutide would become a helpful building block in addiction therapy.


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Note: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any weight loss or addiction treatment.]
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