Canarian Coalition agrees to negotiate at least abstention in Sánchez’s investiture

by time news

2023-10-11 13:35:34

The Canary Coalition openly states that it would be willing, at least, to opt for abstention in the investiture session of Pedro Sánchez in exchange for a series of requests that they have conveyed in person to the PSOE candidate this Wednesday. “We have agreed not to close the doors to a possible abstention if there is a positive negotiation, but it is difficult to count on a ‘yes’ from the Canarian Coalition,” said deputy Cristina Valido at a press conference.

It was Valido herself who met for an hour with both the acting President of the Government and the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero. A meeting that has served to agree on the launch of a formal negotiation between the negotiating teams of both parties for the re-election of Sánchez as head of the Executive, for which the socialists have asked the Canary Coalition to explore the means of an understanding .

“I have been very clear with the president: as of today we are not going to support the investiture. And I say today because they have proposed a negotiation to which we are not going to refuse. But we have warned that for us the issue of amnesty creates a very important difficulty in voting in favor of the investiture,” he explained.

Starting next week, and with María Jesús Montero leading the PSOE negotiating team, the Canarians will sit down to negotiate their political priorities for the new legislature, which the CC deputy has detailed during her appearance regarding economic matters. and immigration management.

“I have asked the president to determine a single command, a figure that acts as an interlocutor between the state and the Canarian government and tries to coordinate all the steps that are taken. We are in a critical situation, 1,000 people arrived yesterday, and we cannot continue calling four different ministries with four different ministers to address the measures that need to be addressed,” he claimed.

Valido has also claimed “the Canarian agenda” and the measures regarding regional financing that his group also agreed upon with the Popular Party in the framework of the conversations for the failed investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, in which they voted in favor. of the PP candidate.

#Canarian #Coalition #agrees #negotiate #abstention #Sánchezs #investiture

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