Candace Streich Shares Her Inspiring 150lb Weight Loss Journey After Gastric Surgery

by time news

Michigan Woman Loses 150lbs in 15 Months After Weight Loss Surgery

Candace Streich, a 33-year-old woman from Michigan, has made headlines after losing an incredible 150lbs in just 15 months. Struggling with obesity and binge eating for much of her life, Candace made the decision to undergo gastric surgery as a means to transform her life.

Consuming over 3,000 calories a day, Candace admitted to continuously eating for comfort. After turning 30, she realized that she had spent most of her life hiding her 300lb frame from the world and decided to undergo the vertical sleeve gastrectomy surgery in 2022.

Since the surgery, Candace has lost an impressive 150lbs and has completely overhauled her lifestyle. She has also addressed the mental and emotional challenges that accompanied her weight loss journey, seeking therapy to develop strategies for avoiding emotional eating.

Candace has adopted an exercise routine, going to the gym four to five times a week and has embraced healthy eating habits, focusing on high protein foods and portion control. She now encourages others to prioritize their health and research available options when looking at weight loss methods, emphasizing the importance of continuous improvement in one’s relationship with food.

Documenting her weight loss journey on Instagram and TikTok, Candace has connected with others who have undergone weight loss surgery or are considering it. She aims to maintain her weight loss and continue her fitness routine while embracing a happy and healthy life going forward. Her inspiring story serves as a reminder that making proactive changes can lead to transformative results.

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