Candidate of the PAN, PRI and PRD coalition for Cuauhtémoc Mayor of Mexico City Alessandra Rojo de la Vega Victim of Attack Reported on Social Networks – Aristegui Noticias

by time news

Candidate of the PAN, PRI and PRD coalition for Cuauhtémoc Mayor of Mexico City, Alessandra Rojo de la Vega, He reported on his social networks be the victim of an attack,

In a message posted on his ex’s account, he explained that while he was riding in his truck The vehicle was the target of several shots.

“We will condemn this attack, “They want to silence me,” He assured.

Along with this, several pictures were also published in which a black truck is visible. At least nine effects.

A few hours later at 5:15 am the candidate confirmed this He formalized his complaint before the Mexico City Prosecutor’s Office.

The Prosecutor’s Office launched an investigation

For its part, the Office of the Attorney General of Mexico City assured that it has opened an investigation folder for the crime The murder is classified as an attempted murder with a firearm.

In a statement, the prosecutor’s office indicated that the events occurred Calle Francisco Tamagno, Colonia PeralviloCuauhtémoc Mayor’s Office, according to the candidate’s testimony before the Strategic Investigation Prosecutor’s Office for the crime of homicide of the General Coordination of Strategic Investigations.

“Due to the above, the social representative intervened Agents of Police Investigation (PDI), As well as experts in forensic investigations and general coordination of expert services,” he said.

He said that before the complaint was formally submitted, FGJCDMX Investigation started due to criminal news, After the facts were exposed on social networks by Rojo de la Vega.

While the capital’s Civil Defense Secretariat (SSC) said it became aware of the complaint made on social networks and announced that Video surveillance cameras are already being analyzed

he pointed out Works closely with the prosecutor’s office To integrate the investigation folder on the case.

Photos: x (@AlessandraRdlv)

Presidential candidate of the ‘Strength and Heart for Mexico’ coalition, Xochitl Galvez Ruiz, He condemned what happened and expressed solidarity with Rojo de la Vega.

“Dear Alessandra Rojo de la Vega, I strongly condemn the attack against you. I send you a big hug. I demand that the authorities investigate this and Punish those found responsible with the full rigor of the law,” he pointed.

“It is enough to raise your voice and Think differently, they want to kill you”, Galvez said on his social networks.

“They want to silence us: with bullets!” Santiago Taboada said, Coalition candidate for head of the government of Mexico City.

“Today, unfortunately, the vehicle carrying Alessandra Rojo de la Vega was attacked. “I ask Marty Bartes to stop attacks against the opposition,” he pointed.

“The level of violence is unacceptable Morena governments have done this in Mexico City,” Taboada concluded.

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