Candidates for the role of hosts of “Fashionable Sentence” have become known: the choice is limited

by time news

2023-12-30 11:13:04


From Igor Vernik to Daniil Grachev

Entertainment television formats are slowly but surely returning to the federal airwaves, although this process is not without losses. If “Let’s Get Married” was restored in a more or less familiar form, then “Fashionable Verdict”, which is preparing for a restart, will apparently be different. At least due to the replacement of presenters.

Of the famous fashion trinity, only Evelina Khromchenko will retain her chair in the updated project. This is already good news, because as an expert in her field, Evelina is a figure that few can compare with, and besides, in her case, her enviable competence suited well the charisma of a woman capable of turning any inflated self-esteem into ruins in a matter of minutes.

Alexander Vasiliev, who has fallen out of favor, will most likely not please his fans with an appearance on big broadcasts in the near future. Star defender Nadezhda Babkina did not wait for the show to be rebooted and went to a similar project “Fashionable Vs Folk”, which, in many ways, not unreasonably, was called a pale copy of “The Verdict”. The popular singer was replaced from time to time on the set of “Fashionable Sentence” and fans of the program could get used to the fact that the defenders sometimes change. However, the image of the show’s judge is associated only with Vasiliev or his predecessor, the late Vyacheslav Zaitsev. And finding a replacement here is not very easy.

According to rumors, a very motley company is taking part in the casting for the role of judge: from actor Igor Vernik and TV presenters Konstantin Mikhailov and Alexander Anatolyevich to stylists Alexander Rogov and Daniil Grachev. And all this, in general, is around the bush. Vernik, Mikhailov and Alexander Anatolyevich are very experienced people in television terms, but fashion, to put it mildly, is not their cup of tea. The qualifications of Rogov and Grachev as stylists do not raise any doubts, but they are hopelessly far from Vasilyev’s thoroughness and ability to find a historical background in everything.

The role of defender seems to be matched with TV presenter Tatyana Gevorkyan, pleasant in all respects, and with her actor and showman Anton Lavrentiev, writer Arina Kholina and singer Mia Boyko. Do any of them evoke associations with the motherland that arose from the hot performances of Nadezhda Babkina? Hardly. In this situation, Evelina Khromchenko certainly looks like the queen of the ball. She doesn’t need to prove anything and has every reason to look at potential colleagues with slight condescension.

Another intrigue lies in the very procedure of searching for new images. Reincarnations of the era of import substitution are of course possible, but the new working conditions for the program’s stylists will apparently not be as comfortable as before. You can boast for a long time about local clothing brands and see in everything that is happening the beginning of the dawn of Russian fashion, but even a quick trip to shopping centers quickly becomes sobering. However, the situation called “the need for invention is cunning” has always been an excellent opportunity to show imagination here.

#Candidates #role #hosts #Fashionable #Sentence #choice #limited

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