Cañizares responds to Palop after he talked about his bad relationship

by time news

Andres Palop recently spoke of his strained relationship with canizares when both coincided in Valencia. His words have been answered by the former captain of the Che team.

«It is as if you have a bakery and you are selling your bread on a certain street and I put another bakery opposite», Cañizares began by saying about his relationship with Andrés Palop in Radius Brand. «I take clients from you and you try to capture mine. Cheaper prices and for the moment you make a gift here, another there. And you treat the clientele the best you know how to win it over», he added.

Continuing with his comparison, Cañizares pointed out: «The two constantly fight to attract clients and so on until one of them understands that the other is very angry, that the other has crossed a line that should not have been crossed.». «Instead of crossing the line, I took a step to the side and the relationship deteriorated.», he concluded.

Palop confessed that he did not speak to Cañizares

About his relationship with Cañizares, Andrés Palop had commented days ago in an interview for Relief: «I admired him and I admire him. My admiration for Cañizares exists today. We have coincided in the Centenary, we have coincided on television, in the 90th anniversary of the League, we were together at the table, we were talking. My admiration for him is there, because one thing does not take away the other. He did many very good things and I only with going to compete for the position of the international goalkeeper for Spain, the one who was Zamora, the one who had just won the Copa del Rey as a protagonist, the one who later, as teammates, has been a Champions League finalist twice… Host , for me that was an incredible challenge».

«The enthusiasm was lost little by little, perhaps because of his way of being, which was so different from mine. You can get along more or you can think less and that throughout those six years has cooled down. The relationship between him and me, apart from the first two years, was non-existent.. We were two companions who respected each other, but we barely articulated a wordWe didn’t have conversations, we didn’t have a dialogue, there was no feeling, feedback,” he admitted.

However, Andrés Palop wanted to make one thing clear regarding Cañizares: «There was no bad situation between him and me. No fight, no argument, nothing. She was cooling the friendship or that hit. We did our job.”

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