Captured with stolen vehicle parts, fangs and several phones

by time news

2023-12-03 08:12:38

At kilometer 23.5, route to the Atlantic, Azacualpilla village, Palencia, agents from the DEIC anti-robbery and vehicle theft section, together with prosecutors from the Public Ministry, carried out a raid where they captured 25-year-old Luis Alberto “N” alias “Chino” who was found with several “fangs” with cocaine, stolen motorcycle parts and several phones for which he will be placed at the disposal of a court in the capital.

Furthermore, this man was captured on February 26 of this year, at kilometer 58 on the Atlantic route, who, in the company of another individual aboard vehicle P872BDL, was transporting a spell weapon, with which they were guarding a truck loaded with sugar, which had been stolen.

According to investigations, this individual belongs to a gang that operates on the Atlantic route.

#Captured #stolen #vehicle #parts #fangs #phones

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