Car-sized chariot; 300 million years old, fossils found?

by time news

We all know the chariots. Creatures that are only a few centimeters or inches long and have many legs. But what is the size of the chariot that researchers have now discovered in England? Comes in the size of a car. About nine feet long. Fear not, this quail lived 300 million years ago. Its fossils have now been discovered by researchers. The research was published in the Journal of the Geological Society. The fossil was found near the northern English city of Northumberland.

This finding was very coincidental. A PhD student walking along the beach saw something like a fossil clinging to a rock. At first the student thought it was some kind of dirt or moss, but when he carefully examined it again, he realized that it was a fossil. Scientists at the University of Cambridge’s Department of Earth Sciences say this is the largest and oldest fossil found in the world. This species, which belonged to the genus Arthroplora, predates dinosaurs.

They were able to live on Earth for four and a half billion years. At that time, different continents did not exist. There was the primitive land of Panjia. Modern-day England was then near the equator. Due to this, the tropical climate prevailed there. The climate was ideal for arthroplora to live comfortably and to eat well, but later warmer climates and the rise of dinosaurs and other reptiles are thought to have led to their extinction. Today’s tadpoles feed on dying plants, plants and trees. But in ancient times these great chariots were great hunters. They hunted various creatures on land and at sea. The fossils will be on display at the Sezwick Museum in Cambridge from next year, the researchers said.

English Summary: Shocking Fossil Reveals Car-Sized Millipedes Scuttled on Earth 326 Million Years Ago


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