Carmen Julia Álvarez Opens Up About Estrangement from Her Children in Emotional Interview

by time news

2024-05-12 02:18:12

On the eve of Mother’s Day, the Venezuelan actress Carmen Julia Alvarezshe spoke for the first time about the difficult process she had to go through due to the estrangement of her two children, products of love with the great Venezuelan actor Daniel Alvarado, who died in 2020.

In a recent interview with the journalist Luis Olavarrieta, Carmen Julia shared some of her life with her fans, her work experiences, how when she was a young girl she married the actor Eduardo Serrano and later with Alvarado.

He told the press the process he endured, and of course, his first miracle Daniela Alvarado; his daughter. Years later, she presented the man they named Carlos Daniel Alvarado.

Carmen Julia Álvarez told how difficult the difference between her children was

Carmen Julia Álvarez: I didn’t expect that question

Carmen Julia was surprised by Olavarrieta, when she contacted any of her questions on the alien subject from her children.

« Carmen understands that Daniela and Carlos Daniel are your two wonderful treasures, how do you handle the differences that keep you apart today? How does a mother handle this distance between siblings?

Carmen Julia did not expect this question from the journalist, but decided to satisfy herself by saying, “I don’t know how to handle it.”

“That’s not what I expected. I might say so. I don’t know how to handle it, I didn’t know how to handle it, it’s costing me a lot… and I don’t want to keep talking about it. People make whatever assumptions they want. They are my two children, I love them and I don’t want to talk about it anymore,” Álvarez answered.

Luis Olavarrieta continued to ask if the separation from his children is due to ideological differences, Álvarez said that it is not due to political differences, that it could be “a little”, but that this is not the problem of their alienation .

Children of Carmen Julia Álvarez

Also read: New ‘Lord of the Rings’ movie could be released in 2026

This entry was published on May 11, 2024 10:18 PM

May 11, 2024 10:18 PM

#dont #handle #children

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