Carolina Espinoza Sanhueza Efficiently Defends Doctoral Thesis in Structure on Biophilic Gentle and Shade in Inside Structure at Laval College’s Faculty of Structure – Could 2024

by time news

2024-05-23 13:28:42

Carolina Espinoza Sanhueza (scholar, doctorate in structure) efficiently defended her doctoral thesis in structure on Could 15. The protection passed off on the Neumann amphitheater at Laval College’s Faculty of Structure.

Carolina’s thesis, led by Claude Demers (common member, Faculty of Structure) and led by Marc Hébert and Jean-François Lalonde, is entitled: “Biophilic gentle and shade in inside structure: fostering the well-being of occupants in northern areas.

The CRAD wish to sincerely congratulate Carolina on this success!

Thesis protection of Carolina Espinoza Sanhueza, doctoral scholar in structure, Could 15, 2024

Abstract of Carolina’s thesis:

This analysis develops helpful environments by integrating biophilic methods together with pure lighting, electrical lighting and using floor colours to deal with the well-being of people in a distant Nordic architectural context. Inhabitants of the northern areas face many climatic challenges, together with chilly temperatures and restricted publicity to sunlight throughout winter, which drive them to dwell primarily in indoor areas, which bodily isolate them from nature. This case has vital results on a number of physiological processes, together with visible and circadian efficiency, whereas on the identical time influencing spatial experiences that manifest as emotional reactions. Indoor circumstances, due to this fact, should assist to compensate for photobiological and psychological wants so as to promote environmental satisfaction in people.

This analysis introduces an evidence-based design framework and methodology utilizing superior and analog strategies. It permits the photobiological and perceptual results of sunshine and shade to be reproduced and thought of descriptively within the context of biophilic distant structure. The theaters have been evaluated utilizing excessive dynamic vary (HDR) imaging and tonemapped pictures obtained from a scaled-down mannequin with totally different lighting and shade traits. HDR pictures make it potential to investigate, calculate and classify photobiological results based mostly on the sunshine depth crucial for imaginative and prescient and circadian stimulation over the course of a day. Tone-mapped pictures have been used to evaluate potential perceptual results by analyzing the chromatic distinction and brightness of the scenes. A brand new characterization methodology is introduced within the type of 2D graphs that relate saturation and brightness properties to paint descriptors. Shade descriptions assist to convey the properties of shade to doubtless sensations because of the interplay of sunshine and the colour of inside surfaces that have an effect on the person’s spatial expertise.

This thesis suggests that individuals within the northern areas present a deep affinity with the sunshine and colours of their rapid surroundings. Due to this fact, it is suggested that the mixing of lighting and floor shade in Nordic buildings ought to be based mostly on the colours generated within the pure panorama to make sure consolation and environmental satisfaction. The experiments carried out present that the applying of colours to inside surfaces as a part of particular lighting methods, whether or not pure or electrical, is in keeping with the photo-biological wants of the particular person and will meet the perceptual wants of the occupants. The outcomes reveal that the ambiances of coloured surfaces, underneath a northern cloudy sky, can present the lighting circumstances crucial for circadian stimulation. As well as, areas with particular combos of floor colours underneath totally different lighting methods allow the technology of a variety of environments that meet totally different lighting circumstances for visible duties and circadian wants through the day. It’s also believable to argue that the place of the lighting relative to the observer’s perspective and the kind of gentle supply can generate particular traits of sunshine and shade, which may evoke totally different feelings in individuals. With the present exploratory and descriptive analyzes it’s potential to comprehensively characterize the results of sunshine and shade on the physiological and emotional ranges to answer totally different dimensions of the particular person. The mixture of strategies introduced on this analysis is essential to understanding the affect of structure through the distant design course of. This analysis reveals the potential advantages of biophilic design, particularly lighting and shade, to enhance indoor circumstances in Nordic structure.

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