Casa Rosada evaluates the expulsion of Lourdes Arrieta and Francisco Poltroni from the libertarian blocs | The internal conflict in the National Congress is bleeding

by time news

The internal conflict in La Libertad Avanza does not stop and grows in the National Congress, where two are the targets: Congresswoman Lourdes Arrieta and Senator Francisco Paltroni. The crisis with Arrieta is outlined in the criticism she launched for the visit of the repressors in Ezeiza and the responsibility she imposed – with force – on the president of the Chamber, Martín Menem. The dispute with Paltroni – who was linked with Vice President Victoria Villarruel – had as a turning point her sharp questioning of the adviser Santiago Caputo. In the Casa Rosada they let it be known that both are on a tightrope and that they could be expelled from the bloc.

Bleeding in the delegates

In Arrieta’s case, the representative would have one foot outside the libertarian bloc. The criminal complaint he filed against the group of delegates who visited Ezeiza prison asked Justice to put a magnifying glass on himself for participating in the scandalous meeting, which caused fury in the libertarian ranks, even in those he had not attended. Alfredo Astiz and others agreed to be photographed with the massacre perpetrators.

But what put a finger on the sore spot and ended the block was the clear indication by Arrieta himself of the alleged responsibility of Menem, who had authorized – according to his version – the transfer by vehicle of the liberationist delegation to the pavilion of the repressive

In the lower house, in addition to Arrieta, representative Rocío Bonacci, who publicly defined herself as “betrayed” by her partner Beltrán Benedit to go to Ezeiza, and Marcela Pagano, who was increasingly distancing herself from Javier Mieli, are also in the spotlight. The three found an ally in Óscar Zago, who was displaced as head of the liberal block months ago, and that is why it is common to see them together in the premises and corridors of Congress.

Conflict in the Senate

In parallel, in the upper house, the target is Francisco Paoltrioni. After weeks and weeks of accumulating criticisms of the government’s management, the Casa Rosada’s patience has run out and they are considering kicking him out of the blocks. The senator is expressing publicly the same thing that Villarruel says, but without half-measures. In his last appearance, he dissented from the executive branch’s proposal for Judge Ariel Lijo to join the Supreme Court and moved against Santiago Caputo. “Send him to smoke in the back barbecue area,” he said of the presidential adviser, adding criticism of former President Mauricio Macri.

Faced with questions, Miley did not remain silent and responded: “It bothers him that Santiago Caputo’s IQ is several times above average,” he defended him and highlighted that he is an important part of the “decision-making process” of the executive branch.

The liberal internal movement hinders the ruling party in Congress. With only 7 senators and 38 representatives, the government deepened its parliamentary weakness after a week in which it lost control of the bicameral intelligence, they denied the DNU on the reserve funds of the SIDE and they approved, against their will, the retirement mobilization law. Endless accumulation of defeats.

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