Cashback, here’s how the rules have changed since January

by time news

50 payments per semester by card or debit card to obtain a refund – Ansa /Courier TV

Once the Christmas Extra Cashback has been archived, valid from 8 to 31 December 2020, from January we start again with the “new” cashback. The changes concern the number of transactions and the duration of the plan. To obtain 10% reimbursement on expenses made from January 1st, it will be necessary to make 50 payments per semester. The payment method remains unchanged, to be made by card or debit card and via pos. It will be possible to obtain a refund of up to 150 euros per semester, with a maximum refund, for each transaction, of 15 euros. To participate in the state refund, the Io App will always be required. In addition to ordinary cashback, in 2021, it will also be possible to aspire to super cashback, that is a premium of 1,500 euros per semester. The super cashbak, valid from January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, will only be for the first 100,000 consumers who total the largest number of transactions.


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