Castro henchman threatens mother of a young political prisoner – 2024-05-12 05:02:19

by times news cr

2024-05-12 05:02:19

In an act of courage and resistance, Migdalia Gutiérrez, mother of Brusnelvis Cabrera Gutiérrez, a political prisoner after the 11J protests in 2021, directly confronted the regime authorities.

The scene took place in front of the Directorate of Penitentiary Establishments of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) in Havana, where Migdalia stood with a sign demanding justice and compliance with the rights of her son.

But as usually happens in these types of events, tension increased when a MININT officer, identified with the rank of Major, threatened to make the situation more difficult for her if she continued with her protest.

“This is not going to solve your problem, we are going to make it more difficult for you,” were the words that the officer addressed to a certain Migdalia.

Migdalia, however, was not intimidated and continued her fight, which even spread on the social network Facebook. “I am their mother and I have the right, every right that they are violating, reaches their minimum and they do not give it to them. Here I am and I am planted”he declared firmly on camera, while holding up his sign.

Later, from her home, the political prisoner’s mother continued her fight, this time showing a sheet with clear demands for her son’s rights.

She stated that she would remain planted in her house, open to anyone who identifies with the cause of political prisoners in Cuba.

“I continue to accuse State Security that is behind all these violations with our children who are political prisoners,” he sentenced.

IN OTHER NEWS: Political prisoner was brutally beaten in Santiago de Cuba

It is important to emphasize that Brusnelvis Cabrera Gutiérrez, a resident of the Arroyo Naranjo municipality, specifically in La Güinera, was sentenced by the regime to 10 years in prison for the false crime of sedition.

Despite the hell that mother and son have been enduring for several years, both remain in the fight and refuse to bow their heads before the dictatorship.

Editorial of Cubans around the World

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