Causes and Treatment of Involuntary Weight Loss: Expert Advice

by time news

2023-06-19 13:10:40

Rapid weight loss often associated with caloric intake below the body’s needs; Although every woman’s weight increases and decreases somewhat with the passage of time, this is not a cause for concern; However, involuntary weight loss can indicate a serious physical, emotional or psychological disorder.

In general, sudden or involuntary underweight is a term denoting thinness below the normal weight range; It is worth noting that just as obesity and overweight have health risks, unjustified weight loss also makes a woman or girl more vulnerable to various health problems.

In general, the causes of sudden weight loss are diverse and have different symptoms, which may require further clarification and explanation so that we do not overlook them all; Therefore, in the coming lines, we will focus on the “Heya” website, on identifying the causes of weight loss and its common features through the therapeutic nutrition consultant, Fayrouz Magdy, at the Fayrouz Center in Cairo.

Non-genetic causes of underweight can be overcome by following the advice provided, especially eating more foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

The causes of underweight are linked to several axes

According to Dr. Fayrouz, there are many reasons that may be behind involuntary weight loss in a woman or girl, They include the following:

Genetic reasons

The family history of the woman or girl can be one of the fundamental reasons behind this happening; This is due to the genetically high metabolism, which means that they can lose weight despite eating due to the high metabolism.

satisfactory reasons

Infection of a woman or girl with some diseases such as “digestive problems, including Crohn’s disease and colitis”, which may cause nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, may be behind unjustified weight loss, as well as some diseases that may lead to a decrease in appetite such as “diabetes, hyperthyroidism, or cancer.

psychological reasons

There are some mental illnesses and mental illnesses that may cause weight loss in a woman or girl, such as: “depression and anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders and anorexia nervosa.”

Genetic and non-genetic causes of underweight are treated with specialized doctors to determine the method of medical treatment and nothing else

Doing high levels of physical activity

Increased physical stress and higher levels of physical activity may burn large amounts of calories, thus increasing fat burning and lowering body weight. Athletes are among the groups most susceptible to this, in order to maintain a very low percentage of fat in their body and raise the percentage of muscle.

Causes of weight loss is associated with these symptoms

Dr. Fayrouz indicated that there are various symptoms associated with involuntary weight loss, most notably:

Frequent incidence of immune diseases. Constant feeling of tiredness. Lack of energy and inability to focus. Feeling cold and having trouble regulating body temperature. Difficulty producing hormones, including sex hormones such as estrogen. Inability to get bored due to hormonal disorders and irregular menstruation. The emergence of various skin and hair problems that always affect women’s beauty and skin health. Increased risk of postoperative complications and difficulty in wound healing. The possibility of developing osteoporosis at an early age due to low bone mineral density.

The causes of underweight are associated with some complications

Dr. Fayrouz added, involuntary weight loss can cause many complications or may increase the risk of many diseases, like:

Malnutrition. anemia; osteoporosis; Fertility problems. Dental problems. Hair loss Weakened immune system.

Learn about the causes of underweight with this diagnosis

Dr. Fayrouz explained that the diagnosis is usually made using the BMI by a doctor or a nutritionist to determine the problem of underweight. Body mass index is calculated based on weight and height, as this helps determine whether a woman or girl is at an unhealthy or healthy weight.

For example, a woman who is 165 cm tall must weigh less than 51 kg to be considered underweight.

It is worth noting that the body mass index cannot be adopted as the best measurement because it does not take into account the percentage of fat alone in the body. Also, there are some groups that do not apply the BMI calculations, such as: “pregnant women, and those who practice sports, because they often have a higher muscle percentage.” of fat.”

In addition, the elderly, because with age, the muscle structure in the body usually decreases, and therefore knowing the percentage of fat by calculating body mass will be incorrect.

Genetic and non-genetic causes of underweight are treated with specialized doctors to determine the method of medical treatment and nothing else

The causes of underweight can be treated in this way

Dr. Fayrouz emphasized that treating weight loss primarily requires treating the problem that caused the weight loss. But if the cause of weight loss is hereditary or due to excessive physical activity, it is possible to follow up with a nutritionist to develop a high-calorie diet for weight gain.

In general, it is important for every woman or girl to have enough fat and muscle to maintain a healthy body and bones.

Non-genetic causes of weight loss overcome them with these tips

Finally, Dr. Fayrouz stressed the need to see a specialist doctor to identify the main reasons behind unjustified weight loss, to determine the appropriate treatment method according to the nature and health of the body, Also follow the following tips

Eat foods that are high in calories, rich in nutrients and dense, to increase the amount of daily calories instead of fast food that is high in sugar, fat and unhealthy, for example: “Eat oatmeal with whole milk, or peanut butter with a banana.” Have a higher-calorie beverage as a snack or before bed, or use higher-quality ingredients, such as fresh fruit, dry milk powder, Greek yogurt, nut butter, and flaxseeds to make a calorie-dense smoothie. Eat a high-calorie snack between the main meals, such as nuts, dried fruits, and dairy products that contain whole milk to increase your daily calorie intake. Exercising continuously and periodically, as exercising 30 minutes a day may also lead to an increase in appetite for those who suffer from extreme thinness.
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