Causes of Nonstop Meowing in Male Cats: What Vets Say

by time news

2024-02-21 09:00:30

The male cat meows nonstop. It may become one of the problems that lead to conflict with neighbors. What do vets say about this cause? Let’s follow.

Many parents who fall in love with cats may do so because they love the meowing sound or the purring sound that helps us feel relaxed. However, when a male cat meows continuously, May cause relaxation can become unrest

Although vocal communication is a normal way for cats to communicate, But when the younger one cries too hard There may be various reasons as follows:

1. Male cats enter reproductive age.

Male cat that has not been neutered When they enter their reproductive years, aged 6 – 8 months, they will have a desire to breed. By making loud noises and walking around the house. Or sometimes the child may urinate in various places outside the litter box to create a boundary.

In addition, he will cry louder when he smells or hears the sound of a female hanging around the house. This type of cry is normal for male cats that have entered reproductive age.

2. The child is sick or has pain in the body.

Some male cats may meow continuously. Due to discomfort or experiencing physical pain, such as a cat having pain in its bones or joints Pain in the abdominal area and have wounds on the body, etc.

Including some male cats going out to fight with other cats. to lay down territory and a wound or abscess that causes pain Makes the little one cry continuously

3. The child is stressed and anxious.

Stress and anxiety are the causes that stimulate the cat’s continuous meowing.

Factors that trigger stress in cats It could be that the environment inside the house has changed, there are strangers or new pets entering the house, there is a male cat from another house walking around the house, or the atmosphere in the house is constantly noisy. or something stimulating occurs that causes the younger sibling to be severely shocked and until fear arises

4. Cats feel lonely and isolated.

Cats are social animals that are independent. It is unique. Have behavior that is related to the environment in which you are And cats are hunters.

Cats raised in closed systems may feel lonely. because they do not have natural activities such as hunting prey Climbing in high altitudes Or when the owner interacts with the little cat, it may cause the cat to feel lonely. Therefore, some cats that are raised alone in the house It can be expressed through crying behavior.

5. The cat is looking for attention.

When male cats encounter stimuli outside the home Like a bird flying to the edge of a house’s balcony. The child may cry continuously. for us to walk and see

Sometimes cats just want to invite you to play with them. So the younger one cried out. and stared at the parents to go in and play or caressing the body

Or in the case where the younger sibling picks up something or some living thing comes and called out for us to come and see By this behavior means Going to hunt prey and bring it to your own herd or teaching how cats hunt prey, etc.

6. Crying for food

Cats may cry because they are hungry and want food. Some cats will meow incessantly when someone walks into the kitchen. Or when we are cooking Or make noises as we eat food

Some cats may meow continuously. When receiving snacks or favorite food and want to eat again Or some can remember feeding times. and calls out a little before feeding time

7. Want to sing to say hello

Some cats like to greet their owners when they come home. Or even when cats meet their owners in different places in the house because they want to communicate with us. And they want us to interact with them.

8. Elderly male cat and has dementia (Cognitive dysfunction syndrome)

Elderly cats are most likely to develop dementia. or Alzheimer’s It is known in veterinary medicine as Cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS).

Dementia in cats is a degenerative disease that occurs with age. It will result in brain abnormalities. and changes in the cat’s behavior, such as abnormally crying out loud Have symptoms of walking around Sleeping habits have changed. Can’t excrete properly or unable to recognize people in the house or cats that are raised by themselves This condition should be seen by a veterinarian. to conduct additional diagnostic tests and plan palliative treatment

Once you know the reasons that may cause male cats to meow nonstop, Parents should observe the real factors that What is the reason why my little one can’t stop crying? In order to take care of the younger sibling in the next point.

subject Dr. Piyawan Phurahong, veterinarian at PURRfect Cat Hospital

Other interesting things: How do cats use scent to communicate?

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